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Paul wasn't sure when or how but somehow at some point the vampire had managed to drag him outside and into the alley behind the Bleeding Heart. He could feel the cold hard wall against his back as they kissed, Paul suddenly becoming vaguely grateful that at some point it seemed he had pulled on Chris's purple hoodie, sharp teeth nipping at his lip and causing him to moan.

Eventually the vampire began to kiss at Paul's jaw then below his jaw, trailing down until he was kissing at Paul's neck and Paul flickered open his eyes only to find two bright red ones staring into his own, causing his breath to hitch.

"You okay there pretty?" the vampire asked but Paul found that he couldn't do anything other than stare at the others now slightly bloodied fangs. He brought a hand up to his own mouth and ran a finger over his lower lip. It came away peppered with droplets of blood.

"Tastes good, doesn't it?" the vampire said again and Paul looked at him, the vampires lips curling into the same slightly too wide grin which suddenly made Paul feel uneasy.

"I s-should go," he began to stammer, stepping forward, "Chris will be--"

"Hey, take it easy there pretty. I'm not going to hurt you," the vampire crooned and Paul felt two hands cupping onto his elbows, pressing him back against the wall. "I just asked you a question is all."

Paul opened his mouth to respond however froze as he felt the vampires lips against his neck again, kissing him gently at first but then the kiss became more bruising and Paul gasped then began to struggle. He felt two sharp pinpricks ghost against his neck and Paul lashed out then aimed a kick at the vampires groin area however he missed, the vampire pinning him against the wall and the pain in Paul's neck grew sharper.
He let out a cry.

In a split second, the vampire was thrown off of Paul and flung into the opposite wall of the alley. Paul quickly stumbled away, his eyes widening in shock and it was all that he could do to prevent himself from screaming as he noticed the same figure that had potentially killed those two boys, Shane and Reece, that had cornered him in another alley just a few weeks ago looming over the vampire who had crumpled to the alley floor, red eyes staring up at the other fearfully.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING!?" the newcomer yelled, loud enough to shake the alley walls and Paul blinked then stared. He recognised that voice.

"Nothing!! Nothing, I was doing nothing! We were just fooling around!!" the vampire said quickly, however Paul could tell from the newcomers stance that he wasn't satisfied and apparently the vampire could too as he scooted away quickly then scrambled to his feet, holding up his hands in surrender.

"I swear I didn't mean anything by it!!"

The figure let out a snarl.

"Don't act dumb, you bit him. You were going to drink from him," they growled, causing the vampire to whimper.

"Not enough to kill him, I promise!"

"Keep away from him."

"I will I swear!!"

"YOU FUCKING BETTER!" the figure roared however the vampire didn't stick around to reply. He turned and fled towards the mouth of the alleyway, disappearing out onto the street and Paul shrunk away just as Chris rounded on him, his red eyes burning bright with rage.

"Get inside. Now," he said and Paul's legs felt embarrassingly jelly like but he nodded and quickly darted back inside.

He was in big fucking trouble and he knew it.

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