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As Pat suspected, Paul for some reason did head into town which made Pat extremely nervous as he continued to discreetly followed after his brother. He wondered what he would find, would he discover that Paul was on drugs? Was he sick? Pat had no idea, and so he was surprised if not a bit relieved when Paul finally disappeared inside a café which to Pat, seemed quite safe.

A coffee addiction was definitely a lot better than an alcohol or drugs problem.

Pat hesitated then ducked down an alley, settling himself down at the mouth of it where he had a good enough view of Paul and what he was doing, but he doubted that Paul could see him. It was perfect.

He felt a little guilty for having followed after his brother like this, but Paul was still acting odd. And Pat wanted to get to the bottom of just exactly why.

Hours passed and still Paul remained inside the café. Pat could see him clearly, he was seated beside the window and appeared to be watching something across the road. There was no one with him however and Pat frowned to himself. Like himself, Paul seemed to be watching something. But what he was watching, Pat didn't know and it was too risky to try and find out now as Paul could see him. So he resigned himself to watching and waiting, tugging his sleeves down over his hands in order to protect them from the sharp breeze.

He hoped that Paul would hurry up and head home soon.

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