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Before Chris could return, Paul fled. He didn't even bother stopping to snatch his own clothes from Chris's room, instead he ran down the stairs two at a time and sprinted out of the thankfully empty club, pausing for a moment on the street outside only to catch his breath. He decided that he had best slow down and began walking at a quick yet more casual pace although his mind was racing and his heart was was pounding in his chest.

Had Chris been drinking blood? It sure looked like he had.

Stifling a gag Paul continued to walk until he reached the school, pausing just outside the gates and he chewed at his lip. He wondered if Chris would bother showing up to school or not, he hadn't sounded like he intended to but maybe that was because he didn't want to leave a pretty much stranger in his own home. Maybe now that Paul had left he would go and that thought alone was enough to add to Paul's ever growing torrent of anxious thoughts. 

"Hey Paul, you coming in?"

Almost jumping out of his skin, Paul looked up only to find Vinny standing in front of him, holding the gate open. He wondered how long the other boy had been standing there for.

"Uh...yeah. Yes I'm coming in."

"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I'm fine," Paul lied, although he was sure that the truth was written all over his face. Vinny raised an eyebrow then shrugged.

"All right, come on then."

Paul followed Vinny as he climbed up the steps and disappeared inside the school, feeling a pit open up at the bottom of his stomach.

He was beginning to wish that he had just returned home instead of going to school after all.

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