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Paul was acting weird. Like, immensely weird. He had always been one of the stranger Riviera siblings, however lately Pat found that Paul was acting even weirder and it worried him.

He had asked Pawel about it but the older boy had seemed unwilling to talk, giving Pat short answers and tight lipped reassurances, insisting that all was well even though Pat knew that it wasn't. The fact that Pawel was unwilling to talk only seemed to confirm that.

Peter however didn't seem concerned by their younger brothers odd behaviour and immediately dismissed Pat's, saying that he was being paranoid which only made Pat feel worse. Maybe he was being paranoid, but something felt wrong and he didn't like to go against his gut.

So it seemed that he would have to take matters into his own hands.

Walking to his bus stop Pat was dismayed to find a note taped to the front of it, stating that there had been some form of difficulty and that his bus would not be arriving that day. He inwardly cursed at himself, wishing that he had agreed to walk with Pawel and Paul. He'd be lucky if he managed to catch up with them now.

Pat hurried himself along his road however he only managed to catch up with his brothers when they had made it halfway to the school, Pat freezing as he watched Paul turn and say something to Pawel, the two hugging before Paul waved at Pawel and walked across the road, beginning to walk off in the direction of the town rather than the school.

Pat hesitated then waited until both his brothers had almost vanished from sight before he quickly crossed the road and followed after Paul.

He had never been one for rule breaking but when it came to his brothers wellbeing, Pat was willing to sit through a detention or two if he had to.

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