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Initially, Paul had panicked. He had made his way to town in a blur and had been vaguely aware that some people were staring at him although he wasn't quite sure why, that was until an old lady stopped him to ask him if he was okay and Paul realised that he was crying.

He had waved her off with a weak smile and some poor excuse that he was returning home after having received some bad news, which she fortunately seemed to accept and she patted Paul on the arm, wishing him all the best before walking off. It took all that Paul had in him not to run after the old lady, to beg her to stop and give him some solution to his problems but deep down he knew that he was being stupid. And so, Paul wiped his cheeks and continued walking.

He wasn't sure how long he'd been walking for before he ended up on a very familiar street with the lights from a coffee shop burning brightly on the corner. Paul stopped and looked across the road then bit his lip. He could see the Bleeding Heart.

It had grown late and there were figures milling around outside the entrance to the club, their pale faces looking even more ghostly under the milky streetlights. Paul hesitated before crossing the road, shoving his hands in his pockets and keeping his head down as he wove his way through the crowd and into the club.

It was the same as it had been that first night that he had been led there by Vinny and Ricky. Dark with loud pulsing music and people dancing, although Paul noticed the same lack of heat. Now he knew that it was because he was surrounded by vampires, however.

Paul made his way over to a corner table and sat down, looking around at his surrounding's. His mind felt hazy and he wasn't sure whether or not it was due to fatigue, but he couldn't really bring himself to care, feeling a hand on his shoulder and Paul looked up only to see Avelines concerned features wafting over him.

"Paul?" she said. "Paul, are you okay? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home?"

Paul smiled at her then laughed. "Home?" he said, loud enough for her to hear him over the din. "I haven't got one! How could I be at home if I haven't got one Aveline!?"

Aveline's eyes grew wide then her lips twisted and she paused for a moment before speaking again. "You're in shock Paul," she said gently. "I'll go get Chris."

As Paul watched, Aveline turned on her heel and walked off. His gaze slid back to the dance floor then over towards the door where Paul was surprised to see a boy staring at him. He didn't look much older than Paul, maybe one or two years and Paul tilted his head, blinking when the boy winked at him and beckoned for him to go over.

Paul glanced around, shifting uneasily in his seat before shrugging his shoulders and getting up, heading over to the boy who grinned and set aside his drink to look down at Paul.

"Hey there pretty," the guy purred which caused Paul to blink again. "You look like you're in need of a distraction."

"......I guess?" Paul said before his eyes widened as the boy brought a rough hand up to cup his cheek, his grin stretching as wide as the chesire cats then he leaned in closer to whisper into Paul's ear.

"I can help you with that," he said and Paul hesitated. Usually this was the part where he'd start explaining that he wasn't gay, too afraid of his father finding out and scolding him for it but with a jolt Paul realised that it really didn't matter anymore and he slowly slid his arms around the guys waist then looked up at him.

"Well go on then," he said softly. "What are you waiting for?"

The boys grin vanished and in a split second Paul felt his lips crashing against his own. He closed his eyes and wrinkled his nose, grateful that it seemed the guy hadn't been drinking blood at least. He tasted like whiskey and although the kiss wasn't unpleasant, it was a lot harsher than Paul had expected and he almost stumbled backwards however the vampire caught him, hooking his arms around Paul and pulling him closer again.

Paul figured that at least if the guy took him home with him, he'd have a place to stay for one more night.

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