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Chris wasn't sure what he had done to make Paul ignore him. He was sure that Paul had been happy enough staying over at his place, and as far as he was aware the other boy hadn't any reason to suspect that he had been involved with.... subduing the two men that had approached him in the alleyway. If he had of suspected that, Chris was sure that he'd have probably heard from the cops by now. Or the courts. Maybe even the newspapers, who knew.

But he was quite glad that the current newspaper headlines didn't involve teenage vampires traumatising the locals.

With a sigh Chris rested his chin in his hand and let his eyes rove around the classroom. There was Ricky eyeing up Vinny from behind as usual, and to his right Chris could hear his friends Justin and Ryan mumbling to each other quietly, trying to avoid picqueing the teachers interest yet Chris could hear every word that they were saying. They were humans, unlike himself, Ricky and Vinny who were all vampires. There were other vampires in the school of course, as well as the odd werewolf but Chris didn't bother paying any attention to them. He was only concerned with himself, his friends and Paul.


Chris hadn't seen sight nor sound of the new pink haired boy in two days. Ricky and Vinny had both said that they had stopped taking their bus also, which under any other circumstances Chris wouldn't have cared about had Paul been acting normal. But he hadn't been.

He had high-tailed it from Chris's parents apartment that morning, ignored Chris throughout the entire school day afterwards and since then Paul hadn't bothered showing up to school which Chris found rather strange. Especially since he had seen Paul's other siblings around and when asked, Pawel had clammed up and hurried off so quickly that it only solidified in Chris's mind that something was wrong.

And he intended on finding out what that something was.

Even if it involved vampire accusations.

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