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As promised, Paul returned to school the following day much to both Pat and Pawels relief. He was glad to find that the rumours had died down, mostly. Of course there was still the occasional asshole that would elbow Paul and call him a faggot as they walked past as well as the rather irritating "go suck Chris's dick" remarks but it was nothing that Paul couldn't handle.

He was also glad that somehow, he managed to get through the entire morning without seeing Vinny or Ricky. It wasn't that Paul didn't like the two, he just wanted to find Chris and talk to him before having to explain his strange behavior to both Vinny and Ricky. Paul didn't know whether or not they knew about Chris's secret, and so he didn't want to slip up.

Heading into the gyms changing room, Paul began to peel off his shirt and change into his tracksuit, pulling on his hoodie and turning around only to find Chris walking in through the doorway. His eyes widened slightly as he caught sight of Paul and Chris froze, looking as though he didn't know whether he should leave or continue to go inside which instantly filled Paul with guilt and he forced a smile.

"Hey Chris," he said.


Seemingly deciding that it was safe to go inside, Chris walked in and dumped his bag on a bench. He took off his shirt and Paul quickly averted his eyes as the other boy changed into his gym gear, looking over at Paul when he had finished.

"Aren't you going into class?" he asked.

"I....yes. I am."

"You don't need to wait on me then, Paul."

"I know I just--"

Paul hesitated then sighed heavily. "Look, I'm sorry for avoiding you," he said.

Chris raised an eyebrow.

"Avoiding me?"

"Yes, I was avoiding you and then I stopped coming into school and... I know what you are Chris."

By this point, Paul knew that he had Chris's full attention. His face was expressionless but his eyes had a calculating look about them that involuntarily made Paul feel absolutely petrified.

"And what's that, darling?" Chris said lightly, as though they were discussing nothing more than the weather.

Paul swallowed heavily. "A vampire," he said shakily.

"I see."

Pushing his bag aside, Chris sat down on the bench then looked at Paul. "I don't suppose Vinny and Ricky told you," he said and Paul shook his head.

"They didn't. I.. that time I stayed over in your house, I seen you were drinking blood and I--"

"You ran."

Paul felt his cheeks flush pink but he nodded. "I did."

"A valid reaction..." Chris sighed heavily. "I'm sorry Paul, I shouldn't have allowed you to stay over without warning you."

Paul blinked. "What? No, Chris this isn't your fault."

"If you say so darling."

"I say so...."

Paul hesitated then walked over and sat beside Chris, leaning up to press a kiss to the vampires cheek which caused Chris to look momentarily startled and he looked down at Paul, staring for a second before kissing his cheek back and Paul smiled.

"Forgive me then?" he said.

Chris nodded, the corner of his lips tugging up into a small smile. "I forgive you darling."

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