This is us

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In the deep jungle of Africa, two ginger-haired preteen twins chase after a lanky looking black haired man dressed in tan khaki looking like an explorer from the late 18th century with a pith helmet with a machete carrying what seems to be a small statue of an idol god made of gold with diamond eyes wrapped in a white cloth in his arms while battling at the jungle foliage with the machete on his other hand to avoid his young pursuers who seem rather mad at him.

"Get back here with our treasure!" The girl yells running with her with brother at the rear almost getting hit by some branches and leaves.

"Don't be so sad now, kiddies, I'll give you my share of the treasure," the male sneers, "from my lavishly posh  vacation home in Hawaii!" He runs while laughing an weird obnoxiously nasal sounding laugh deep into the foliage.

"We're never gonna catch him at this rate!" The ginger haired girl said out of breath.

"Oh yes, we will!" The boy said starting to climb up a tree reaching for the vines tugging at one to see if it'll support his weight.

"This is us, maybe it's best to recap why we got into this mess in the first place with questions like why is my idiot twin brother attempting to swing from a vine like George of the Jungle or why are we chasing after this fool in the African jungle. Well it's kind of a long a really and I mean really long and involved story that happened about a week ago...

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