30) She really is a bitch!

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"Bastard g-g-get off of me.." Naruto blushed a bright crimson hue. She didn't want Sasuke any closer to her anymore. The feeling of nervousness, the feeling of embarrassment. It felt all too real it was happening all too quick for her. Sasuke had to know these things. Nobody could be that stupid. Right?
"Just get out, I'll g-go to work..just go.." Naruto stuttered. His feeling getting the best of her, tears slowly fell down her face.
"Please just leave..." Naruto turned away, leaving Sasuke shocked and confused. Maybe her plans would work. Maybe this way..it. This marriage. What did it even mean in the end? What love came out of it anymore? Nodding, Sasuke grabbed his jacket. Grabbing his shoes, he slipped them on. Tying them, he said something to Naruto. Which wouldn't be the last time for a week.
"Don't be late, I'll see you Monday. 7:00 am sharp." With that Sasuke Uchiha was out of the house. Satomi somewhere in her room probably eavesdropping the whole conversation decided to stay quiet and let it play out. Now it was time to be a woman, she couldn't give into that bastard. Even if he was madly attractive and had money. She would trade it all for the man she met years ago. None of this felt right. At all. Things were definitely going to change.

Monday, 6:30 am

Naruto looked in the mirror at her appearance for the umpteenth time this morning. The girl wore a bright yellow dress with white pumps. Topping it off with a necklace, and bracelet pearl and a Gucci handbag. The only thing missing was makeup, the eyeliner, the blush, the appearance. The face that made Naruto Uchiha look happy. The mask she was told to wear countless times by her good for nothing husband. This time the mask brought comfort to her. She could apply it without being told to. She was free to do whatever she wanted to her face. Going bold, Naruto applied a layer of an orange lip tinter. Smiling at herself, she added eyeliner, mascara, yellow eye makeup with glitter over top of it. Topping it off with lashes. She combed her black hair down. Smiling she looked at herself proudly.
"Ahh, you've done it again Uchiha..perfection!" She beamed happily. Clapping her hands she tiptoed into her daughters' room. The girl was tucking in her favorite Gucci shirt. With a matching pair of yellow shorts, vans, and knee socks.
"How do I look?" Satomi beamed proudly. The girl definitely had her own Aesthetic going on. Something was missing though. Squinting, Naruto eyed the outfit.
"Add a belt" The small girl scrambled to find her a belt. Giggling the blonde exited the room. She had to make breakfast for her child. Checking the time, she realized it was alright 6:40. Naruto quickly popped toast in the toaster and poured a glass of milk for her daughter. Satomi ran downstairs and proudly stood in front of her mom with he goofiest little smile. The girl combed her hair, giving it a 90s bob type of look. She even added pointy Gucci glasses to the concoction.
"I present to you, a masterpiece!" Satomi posed, blew a kiss, and waved. Her mother laughing with pride. Her daughter knew how to dress! (She had trouble with that task when she was younger...)
"You look beautiful, now eat up pumpkin" Naruto kissed her daughter's cheek. The girl trotted off to her seat and began to wait for the toast. Running back upstairs, the mother quickly dialed their driver's number.
"Goodmorning, Mrs. Uchiha," The man said over the phone. His voice stern and cold, Sasuke probably told him something. The nervousness filled up her heart.
"Morning, Kabuto." She responded shortly.
"Please come and pick my Little Uchiha up, I expect you to be here by 6:50." Naruto's voice grew colder while the man snorted in the background.
"Anything for you princess." Kabuto snorted loudly.
"Listen here jackass, just because my husband may have told you something doesn't mean you go around disrespecting me, I pay you. You listen to me."
"Got it?"
Kabuto paused for a second, cleared his throat and had the nerve to snort again.
She hung up angrily. Stomping downstairs, Satomi sat on the couch with the orange juice in her hand.
"Someone will be here to pick you up, look outside for Kabuto I have to go to work, okay honey?" Naruto smiled. Pecked her daughter, and ran out of the house. The doors to her Lamborghini Veneno opened by the press of the button on her keys. Hoping in she began speeding out of the enormous driveway and towards work.
Lord, she wasn't going to be ready for the day she was about to have...
-- oOo --
Naruto walked in at 6:57 am. A crowd of people trailing behind her in awe.
'oh my gosh no more double work'
'Finally, I was starting to hate it here!'

A small smile appeared on her face. At least she knew she had love somewhere. The crowd followed her into the elevator and up to the small cafe. Where surprisingly Tenten sat with Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, and the one and only Sakura Haruno. The pink-faced girl looked completely distraught, her hair everyone and dark bags under her eyes. Naruto glanced over at her. Sakura stared at her with bulbous eyes. Not knowing what to do or say at the moment. Suddenly, everyone was looking up at her.
"Goodmorning, Sakura." Naruto smiled forcefully.
act nice, don't let her see your weakness.
Choji and Shikamaru waved happily. Ino stuck her tongue out playfully, Tenten smiled brightly, and Sakura nodded.
"Morning N-ruto!"
"Goodmorning Uchiha!"
"Aha..morning boss..."
"H-hi Naruto" Sakura blushed a red crimson. Nodding, the blonde girl walked away. The sound of her heels clicking much more loudly than she intended for it too. Poor Tenten, having no clue of what that bitch did. The relationship she ruined. The crowd of people finally diminished. She was standing in front of her husband's office.
She burst open the door to find Sasuke typing away on his computer. Her face a bright red.
"God you're such an idiot, I mean why is she even here!" Naruto flopped onto the couch. Sasuke finally looked up at her. His face dull and dim. The man looked like absolute shit.
"She's leaving today, I don't know if you noticed how shitty she looked" Sasuke snorted. Checking his fingers for dirt, the raven began to blab on about how much he hated her guts. I guess they both felt the same.
"You fucked her"
"You befriended her"
"Childish bastard!"
"Gosh, you're such an idiot" Sasuke covered his face, but the blush still visible on his face. Naruto blinked
7:45. They had been talking for a good 35 minutes. Time flew. Fast. The two stared at each other for a few seconds. Their eyes locking together. The small smiles appeared on their faces. Bursting out laughing, they made rude and insulting comments about the pink-haired girl.
"Ah! I probably am an idiot for trying to be her friend..." Naruto wiped her eyes.
"You're an idiot, either way, I've been trying to tell you this for how many years?" Sasuke smirked at Naruto. Naruto smirked at Sasuke.
"Okay okay..."
"I've actually had a favor to ask you."

What favor do you think Naruto is going to ask? How did you like this chapter?

[SN] Prepared for you💕 [Finished] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant