[8] Fuck off

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"Yes I suppose so..." Deidara whispered, but continued to stare at the blonde. The two met one day at a bar, and occasionally used to see eachother at multiple places. That was 2 years ago, then Deidara went completely rogue and Naruto hasn't seen the Long-haired blonde.
"What is it...Deidara..." Naruto sighed, and removed his hand from her butt.
"You see...my lover needs you for some details on someone.." Deidara smiled, and grabbed Naruto's hand.

"B-baka let go..!" Naruto screamed, and swung her leg angrily at the other blonde's lower crotch. (Causing the taller blonde to groan in pain)

Naruto quickly ran up to the man, and threatened to kick him somewhere he didn't want to be again.

"Now talk, or I WILL use force." Naruto glared at Deidara, throwing her fiercest glares. Deidara simply smiled, and nodded nonetheless.
"We need Intel on Sasuke Uchiha, my boyfriend has some family buisness with him" Deidara sighed, and grabbed Naruto's leg and dragged her down.

"But don't think I didn't miss you..." Deidara whispered seductively into her ear, causing the small blonde to shiver in fear.
"Remember that time we got completely shitfaced and I almost took you?" Deidara whispered, and licked the blonde's neck.


"Naruto pick up..." Sasuke sighed, and grabbed his coat from Shikamaru's closet.

"I'll see you guys later." Sasuke waved, and exited the house. [Recieving a goodbye from Shikamaru's parents] Sasuke had an uneasy feeling, like something was wrong and odly out of place. Still, the raven decided to go home.


"F-fine...just stop licking me" Naruto pleaded for the umpteenth time. Deidara smirked, and finally let up.

"Alright welp I have to wrap something around your eyes and..."

"Well hurry up then"



"O-okay guys Im going to go home now too...." Hinata sighed, and quickly ran out of the house. Her brain also spinning with negative thought.
When she was finally outside, she quickly dialed the Uchiha's number. Feeling as if she had something to tell him.
"S-sasuke..meet me at the park" Hinata shuddered, and quickly ran over to that direction.

"Hinata whats wrong?" Sasuke asked, the panic in his voice rising aswell.

"I-I dont know Sasuke-kun, but I think we should discuss something...it has to do with Naruto" Hinata whispered, clearly out of breath.

"Y-yea I'm on my way.." Sasuke sighed and hung up the phone.

"Dammit Itachi.." Sasuke yelled, and slammed his fist into the wall. The raven had been going through some really bad shit, from not being able to find Itachi, to not having any info.

damn...and its Sunday

Did I mention he was maintaining school, and questioning if he was a man or woman? Anyways, the Uchiha hoped into his car, and sped to the Rasengan Park.

--- Rasengan Park ---

"Nice car..." Hinata whispered, and looked at the light red car which she would soon figure out was Deidara's stolen vehicle. Anyways, the purple haired girl made her way torwards the back of the park. A small cave lay in the back, with the grave of Naruto's famy Minato Namikaze, and Kushina Uzumaki. Her eyes began to water at the sorrow this one human being went through, and how much Naruto pushed through.

"Naruto-kun..." Hinata sighed, and let herself cry silently.

you are much stronger than me, how I loved you, and how much I care for you..


Sasuke took a seat next to Hinata, and waited for when she decided to speak.

As you know, I used to have a crush on Naruto-kun. I used to watch her from a distance (When she was male and female) One day, about 2 years ago Naruto was at the park casually drawing. I decided that I could easily pass off as just regularly being at the park listening to music, so that's what I did. Soon this mysterious blonde, with a long ponytail appeared, and the two started talking. Obviously, from my surroundings their voices were clearly drowned out, and that was that. The two boys were clearly connecting very well, so they must be friends.

"That was my first encounter with the man" Hinata shuddered.

"His name is Deidara, and turns out he was spotted with that damn Itachi" Hinata sobbed even louder, mad at herself for not realizing this sooner. Sasuke did something he would never do, he wrapped his arms around Hinata. Letting the smaller girl cry on his shoulder.

she needed it.

"I-I'm so useless, I couldve...we coulve already found Itachi" Hinata sobbed onto the raven.


Wowowow! What do you think Itachi wants from Naruto?

[SN] Prepared for you💕 [Finished] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon