21) Bastard

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-- oOo --
"Baby wake up..."

"Five more-"


"Fine I'm up." Naruto growled. Lazily, the girl arose from her bed to find the Uchiha peering over her. His eyes glistened with excitement as Naruto growled in annoyance.
"Goodmorning Sasuke.." Naruto sighed, while wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Morning, now hurry up you have 25 minutes."
"BRAT THAT'S WHY YOU'RE SMILING ISN'T IT?" She screeched. Swiftly, the girl was in the bathroom brushing her teeth and washing her face. Sasuke on the other hand, admired the girl from a distance. All his doubts of being a father vanished for the time. As if his problems could disappear, never to come back into his brain. Never to bother him, and his Naruto. Well, truthfully that's not always the case. Within 20 minutes the couple were rushing out the door, and running towards their hands. Sasuke's hand never left the pregnant blondes as she growled in agony about how much she disliked going to school.

"Alright class, now I'll be passing out your grades from the test a few weeks back.."
"Make sure you study for the final test with all 56 words." Kurenai finished, smiling at all the groaning children. Sulking, Tenten plopped in her seat. Beaming, Neji smiled at his grade. Choji, growling in disgust at the test itself, and Ino. Well Ino simply tossed it into her binder. Hinata on the other hand, didn't show up to this class. Surprisingly, Neither did Kiba Inuzuka. Who believe it or not, never missed a class this entire year. The entire class silently blabbered about their projects, assignments, and of course the upcoming festival. Naruto on the other hand was blabbing on to herself about how much her stomach was killing her.
"Naruto is something wrong?" Tenten peered down at the groaning Naruto. Bolting, the blondie turned around to look at the smiling brunette. Shaking her head, Naruto smiled brightly.
"It feels like ages since I've seen you, how have ya been!" Naruto beamed. Tenten smiled brightly.
"Eh, I've been doing....well I don't exactly now..." She admitted. Truthfully, Tenten had been put through one hell of a loop. Neji recently stopped talking to her after she blew up on him, and Shikamaru has been clinging onto her. That's odd for someone like him. Ino, and her had been on speaking terms but the group wasn't the same anymore. Everyone was so distant from each other and she hated it.
"Talk to me, Ten" Naruto said while pushing her chair closer to hers.

"You guys will never listen to me, will you?" Kurenai said drowsily. Laughing, the class nodded. Frowning, Kurenai shook her head.
"Fine, take out your notes and study for the quiz then..." She sighed, and plopped down onto her chair. Nodding, the class continued their conversations as students began to move around the room to link with their friends. After Tenten told Naruto about her situation the blonde couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor girl. No advice could change her situation, she was a hopeless romantic. Her love was always being given, but no one ever returned it.

The gang quickly gathered around at their usual table. Sharing food, laughing, and blushing. At the wrong people. Quietly, Ino and Tenten began to whisper to each other. Their faces beat red as Tenten told the jokes, and Ino laughed at them. The group admired them in awe as a certain pinkie stood from the sidelines growling.
"Alright, Temari tonight is the night..."
"Yes, I have everything set up"
"Great, bye."
"Naruto, pass the chicken.." Choji said in mouth fulls of rice. Gawking, Naruto declined.
"Oh Naruto stop being such a baby...."
"Yea, lately you've been a drag...."
"They aren't wrong..." Neji finished, looking at the pouting Naruto.
"S-s-stop being so mean to me..." Naruto pouted, and threw the barbeque at Choji. Which also happened to hit him right in the eye. Pouting, the blonde stomped away angrily with tears falling out of her eyes.
"Hey cho, you okay man?" Shikamaru sighed, looking down at a red-faced Choji. Silently, he got up. That didn't change the fact that his anger only grew while Neji's irritation only worsened. Well, for the girls. They were just blushing like a bunch of idiots. Growling, Shikamaru stomped out of the cafeteria to find the blonde.
Growling, I ran outside. Away from the annoyance of my friends, and into the beautiful spring day. My eyes stung with tears, it didn't match my true emotions. Quietly, I sat down on a nearby bench. Slowly my eyes shut. My heart beat slowed. Is it okay to feel this strong emotions? What if I lash out on the wrong person, what If I hurt that person so badly that they'll never be able to have faith in me again? The what if's are killing me.
"Idiot, I was looking for you..." He called to me. His voice so soft, but as equally powerful. He's like the man of my dreams, except I couldn't see him yet. My brain didn't process that quickly I guess. I was walking, it's pitch black.
"Oh...really?" I muttered, and held out my hand for someone to grab. Nobody grabbed it. My heart started to beat faster, slow whispers filled my ears.

[ew... shes so fat....]



"Yes, hurry up, free block is next...." He sounded frustrated now, I panicked. My hand was outstretched as if I was actually pulling something. It felt warmer, my body felt warmer. Whoever he was, he made me feel warm.
"You smell good...."

"Shit, you're sleep talking..." He growled once more, now my body was shaking. The feeling of waking up, so gruesome. I wanted to shut down, completely.
"H-h-huh..." I muttered, and squinted at the....he looked like that boy. The boy I've seen plenty of times before. Except totally ten times better. That raven hair, glossy skin, onyx eyes. I craved it. Slowly, I pushed him closer to me as I plopped my lips unto his.
"Naruto... we're at school..." He pulled away from me. My body felt cold. Shivering, I looked up at the boy.
"f-f-fine... you don't have to kiss me then..." I bit my lip, and walked off to a much warmer, safer place. (aka home lmao #weskippin)

Maybe.. I'm just stubborn....
I hate this feeling of being so trapped, paranoid, I just want to leave. I want to be alone. By myself. Not here, not with him, not with them...


A feeling I remember so clearly.


I completely forgot about Sakura 😳

idk what to do with her🤡✌🏾

[SN] Prepared for you💕 [Finished] जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें