29) Back to you (pt 1)

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 I wanted to be as far away from him as possible. My feelings were all jumbled, my head hurt. But I had to do this for the sake of our daughter and the family she was meant to have. I knew I was dead wrong for being so selfish. I still wasn’t completely over it, I know, Sakura was still missing. 
   “Get it together, get it together” I mumbled to myself. Turning up the radio, I zoned out and focused on the road. 

I couldn’t let him or my daughter see my stressed side.

-- oOo --

    “Mommy?” Satomi yawned. Her bright blue eyes looked at the clock, 6:30. 
“Mom!” She called again, with a hint of panic setting in her voice. Her small body quickly struggled off the bed and stumbled down the steps. Her mom wouldn’t leave her, right? Entering the kitchen, she looked around for a sign of her mom. Only to find an old Versace bag that should probably be in the trash right now. The curious girl opened the purse to find a stack of papers with her mother’s writing on it. Her eyes grew even wider when she realized who she was writing about.

Her father.

She spread the pages out to read them more easier, a small picture fell out. It was a picture of her mom, pregnant laughing with a handsome man, her father. The two looked happy. She never saw this side of her family at the same time. Naruto and Sasuke always fought, and she had to break it up. Being only 5, this was probably the hardest thing she could do. 
‘January 26th, 2014.’

My little angel was born, her eyes first started off an onyx color. She took that after her father, but she had my electric blonde hair and two little whiskers on her cheeks. I named her Satomi, I don’t really know why. It just felt right to me. My fiance stood next to me, grasping my hands, even though they were probably sweaty. I loved her already, her nose, her eyes, her hands, her whiskers. All of it. She was my daughter, with the man I loved just as much. ‘

Reading the note, Satomi felt proud. Proud that her mother really did love her, even if she had the weirdest way of showing it. The tears fell down her face as she continued to read the small notes about her father from years ago, and even the ones from last week. Was this the book she planned on submitting? It was sure to be a bestseller well at least in her eyes it should’ve. 
Sobbing, she looked at the picture of baby Naruto. They looked almost identical. Except her eyes were more of emerald color. Like her aunt Sakura’s. Wiping her face, she read the notes quietly. 

Maybe things will get better.
“Oh shut up you bastard, I don’t want your sorry apology” Naruto groaned. Trailing behind him was Sasuke Uchiha, with a pretty annoyed look on his face. Naruto was enjoying herself. 
    “You don’t have to be so rude y’ know…” Sasuke muttered quietly. 
“And you didn’t have to cheat, now rule #1 do not bring up our little encounter around my daughter.” She turned to face him. Crossing her arms, she looked up at him. 
   “So she’s just your dau-”
“For God’s Sake Sasuke..” She unlocked the door. A small blonde girl sat on the table, snoring very loudly. The old Versace purse now on the floor, and the girl’s socks thrown down with them. Smiling, Naruto walked over. Peering down, her face changed completely. She looked at the photos with a hint of sadness. These were the memories she captured with her husband, their whole life. Just for him to cheat on her. 
     “Satomi..honey…” Naruto whispered. 

No response. 

Getting her heavy sleeping from her father, it was probably best to leave her alone. 
    “Ahh, so you do still have these pictures of me?” Sasuke smiled sadly, looking at his pregnant wife. Nodding, she picked the one up of them. In the picture, he was looking down at her. His arm wrapped around Naruto’s waist and his eyes glistening. Naruto looked back with a just as equal smile. 

‘Summer of 2013’ 

It was their last festival together. The festival she was proposed at. Naruto’s eyes filled with tears. In an instant, her arms were wrapped around Sasuke’s waist. Crying, she blabbed on about how much she wanted their family to work. The poor raven looked at her with a confused look. His arms stuck out like a stick figure.
     “I-I’m sorry I promise I’ll make you h-happy…” Naruto bawled her eyes out. Truthfully, she had no clue what more she was supposed to do to make Sasuke happy. Yet she was willing to do anything, was she really this in love with him?
    “Look, you don’t have to do anything...I-it was my fault..” Sasuke whispered into her ear. His hands making its way to her back, caressing it softly. 
     “Please just forgive me?” Sasuke suggested. Quiet hiccups came from the small female, but a tiny ‘ok’ was heard from her. Smiling, Sasuke pushed her chin up. Her eyes looking at anywhere but him. She was embarrassed, in fact, she felt like an idiot.
    "Look at me." Sasuke smiled and kissed her forehead.
    "Say it..say you forgiven me" 

His hands making its way through her short black hair. He wrapped his arm around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder.
Quietly, she nodded. The words choosing to not get out of her mouth. Her arms too wrapping even tighter around his neck.
    "God were so dramatic, don’t you think?" Sasuke chuckled, nodding the two broke apart.

Did he forget that she was tipsy?


Bolting, Naruto woke up. Looking at her left, Sasuke lay next to her, his hair covering his eyes and his face bright red. Blushing, she jumped over the couch and stood next to Satomi. 
   “It’s not what y-you think..” Naruto muttered quietly and began to play with her hands nervously. Sighing, Satomi pointed out the obvious, clearly not taking her lie.

   “Just wake him up, mom!”

And so she did.

I think I should make a PT 2. 

Anyways have a Good Morning/Night/Day. 

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