Chapter 7 - Pokémon

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Author's Note: Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys but, can you recommend me a picture of what Nature should look like? I mean, yeah I introduced her to be a dark green dragon but, the cover of the story is not her. It's an old cover and the names there are my old username and the name of the co-author who is my classmate which is, for some reason is gone and hasn't keep in touch with me for a couple of years ever since we moved away to different schools.

I have a picture of her in my mind ( a picture of Nature btw. Not my classmate) , and I already drew her in my Ibis X Paint, but it is still foggy so....

I know this is asking so much of me as a writer and a person who barely know you and vice versa but.... Can you draw me your own version of Nature? Same color by the way. And don't worry, your art won't be used unless it is within your consent so never fret. I'm not one for copyright violation. I'm a man in my word.

That and, I may plan it to be the new cover art for the story.

Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! That's a pinkie promise!

Don't forget to vote and comment!

(P.s: PM me if you have the art or just comment there. I don't care. I just care about your space and properties.)



"Have a taste of my new knowledge when I watched that thing called Pokémon! Take this!"

Nature said as she imagined her claws glowing white blue.

"Dragon Claw!!!" Nature yelled out as Ariel visibly cringed at her called out attack.

Nature tried to swipe Ariel from the left, but her attack was dodged when Ariel twisted her body in mid air to evade the close attack. Only a thin strand of her hair was caught but that did not dazed her as she gave Nature a right hook in the side of her belly.

Nature winced as she quickly landed on all fours and proceeded to tackle Ariel in the ground.

Ariel had no time to dodge it since she is still falling so she braced herself as Nature headbutted her towards the wall.

With a wobbling body, Nature shook her head from dizzyness as she looked at the result of her attack.

Ariel looked like she planted herself on the wall and fell, resulting a visible crack in it. She stood up and looked at Nature with an strained amused grin. She stretched herself, an audible pop resonating as she craned her neck from left to right which more cracks could be heard as she get into a fighting stance.

" I admit. Your the first every person who sent me flying through a wall. None of the other students at Karate School ever did this to me in a while. " Ariel said as she took a deep breathe and looked at Nature seriously dead in the eyes.

Nature inwardly flinched at the strange look the dragoness gave her when she noticed what Ariel said.

'School? Students? Is she saying there are more dragons out there? Why didn't Sky told me this? It's impossible.... Did he..... Lied to me?' Nature thought but shook her head as she focused her attention to Ariel. She assumed into a fighting stance too, her wings slightly stretched and her teeth bared as she look at her opponent with a determined glare.

'No, there is no way Sky would lie to me. She must be the one who is lying.' Nature thought as she the corner of her eye to see Sky looking at both of them, fearfully and a little bit excited.

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