Chapter 16 - Azazel the demoness.... This is bad.

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" You're kidding me right." Skyler said after he finished watching HTTYD on a giant flat screen TV in the bookstore as Ariel introduced her friend named Azazel. Said friend immediately went to Skyler and circled him as if he's the seventh wonder.

Nature on the other hand felt on edge when she entered the room where Ariel is. For some reason, she felt and immense magical dark aura that surrounds that girl and its giving her the shivers.

"That friend of yours is named Azazel?...." Skyler asked a second time as Ariel nodded guiltily.

"Look, I know this may look bad but--"

"ISN'T AZAZEL THE NAME OF A FREAKING DEMONESS?!" Skyler practically roared out as Azazel finished inspecting Skyler's body and walked a few meters from him with her arms crossed.

"Ok! I think I figured out the problem." Azazel said as she walked towards a bookshelf and pulled out her laptop and booted it on.

"You guys said that you found a website that is full of working spells right?" Azazel asked as Ariel nodded.

"Well, it turns out that the website you guys opened was a website intended for demon use only. Although...." Azazel snapped her fingertips and then a blazing hellfire door appear right where the broom closet door stood.

"That website you guys found has a few..... minor exceptions." Azazel explained with a mischievous smile. "The reason why you "accidentally" found that website could mean two things; one, is that you guys could be the members of the cult of Satan..."

Skyler immediately quietly said a prayer to protect him and his friends from evil.

"Or that you guys have a unique magical aura that allows you to cast spells." Azazel finished as she traced some runes over the fiery door.

"The website has a sentient mind so it gets attracted to the person who has a magical aura. It will sometimes go in the form of a pop-up or in an online unity game." Azazel finished explaining.

Skyler and the rest immediately took a step back as Azazel went towards the door, beckoning them to follow her.

"C'mon, I know someone who can fix you particular problem." Azazel smiled as Skyler and his companions looked at each other before reluctantly follow her.

Just before they enter through the door, Charlie walked in the office with a clipboard and a few WoF books in her hands.

"Good news Skyler! I found a package bundle of the Wings of Fire book--- Skyler?" Charlie looked at Skyler and then towards the door.

"Don't tell me you're taking them to the underworld, Azazel?" Charlie adjusted her glasses as Azazel smiled.

"Of course not! Humans who have not died are not allowed to enter into the other side! Jesus will kill me." Skyler looked at Azazel. Did he just said that Jesus is real?....

"Wait... Are you saying that everything that was written in the Bible were real? The Angels, Jesus... Everything?" Skyler asked after realising what Azz said.

"Yes. Everything is real, from Satan to.... Jesus." Azazel practically spat out the last one in spite as she smiled at Charlie's fierce stare.

"Don't worry boss, I'll make sure I'll return them safe and sound. Demons Honour." Azazel did a demon version of the girl scout salute as Charlie put her hand in her head.

"You better bring them back in one piece or you're fired." Charlie said before adding, "Literally and figuratively fired."

Skyler looked between the two as a thought appeared on his mind. Does Charlie have some sort of authority to even put a demon in place? If so.... Does this mean Charlie is not human?

"Don't worry! We demons never break a promise, unlike humans...." Azazel glanced at Skyler and Ariel as she moved to the side and bowed her head.

"After you~" Azazel politely gestured them to enter the door as Skyler and company reluctantly entered one by one before she herself entered. After they all pass through, the door then burst into flames and when the flames died down, the door was nowhere to be seen.

Charlie stood there for a good couple of minutes before sighing.

"Looks like Skyler will have to miss the sale of the WoF book bundle...."


"Sooo....Where exactly are we going?" Nature asked as she tried to grab Skyler's tail for support since the room they are walking in an  of any light.

"We're not going to hell are we?" Ariel asked.

"No." Azazel replied as she adjusted her glasses as they went through the dark corridor.

"We're going to a secret room inside the convention center." Azazel nonchalantly said as Ariel know where they are going.

"You mean....oh no...." Ariel let out a dreaded breath as Skyler and Nature felt something odd when Azazel stopped suddenly, making the three of them bumped into each other. Skyler on the other hand bumped his snout unto Azazel's curvy bottom.

"Oh? You cheeky little dwagon~" Azazel teased as Skyler fought an incoming blush. Whether or not Azazel has night vision eyes, he does not want to reveal that he got seduced by a freaking demoness.

'Ugggghhhh. Can't this day get any worse?' Skyler thought.

"We are here~" Ariel said as she pushed open a set of double doors as an impending bright light glazed their eyes.


"Oh my! What do we have here?" Charlie asked as she looked at Sunny that is trying to make her way through the crowd that is surrounding her due to her almost looking like a real dragon.

"U-umm excuse me? Can you let me-- eeep!" A particua hand slapped her flank as she whirled around to see a furry that walking away whistling an innocent tune as she tried to escape.

"Oh no...." Sunny looked hopelessly at the crowd around her as Charlie finally stepped in.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT PRIVACY YOU BRAIN-DEAD PHOTOGRAPHERS?!" Charlie shouted as everyone in the convention center went silent and looked at her.

"IF YOU BITCHES DON'T STOP THIS RIDICULOUS THINGS I WILL CALL THE COPS ON YOU FOR HARRASSING THAT POOR GIRL." Immediately the people that surround Sunny started to disperse quickly like a school of minnows who have been chased by a shark.

Sunny looked at Charlie with a grateful look as Charlie just smiled and motioned for her to follow.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Sunny hugged Charlie as she just patted the dragon in the head with a smile.


"YOU BASTARD!! IN THE NAME OF TRUE GENDER EQUALITY, I WILL DROPKICK ANY ROTTEN WOMAN WITHOUT HESITATION!" Kazuma-san said as she took out his Chunchunmaru and sprinted towards Sylvia-san with bloodlust.

"So this is also Animè?" Nature asked as Skyler showed her his favourite modern animè.

"Yup! Oh look at here! This is gonna be fun to watch!" Skyler excitedly said as Ariel and Azazel where nowhere to be found.

Around them, many people are minding their own business, gambling their lives away as some cosplayers (mainly furries) are walking around with a bowtie in their neck serving them drinks and whatnot.

Nature scooted to Skyler a little bit closer, their sides touching as she grinned with victory as Skyler is focused on watching Konosuba.

'Heh... The power of Animè is amazing....' Nature thought as she lay her head on Skyler neck, both of them watching their favourite anime without care for anything else.



Bye!!! n.n

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