Chapter 26 - Revelation

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With Skyler committing currently occupied with Morrow and his friend now scattered and confused, his parents, however, are relatively enjoying their private jet flight towards the land of GSP, which is Florida, for their organizational meeting about the long-term planning of their business expenditures.

Skyler's father, Ragnor Asteri, one of the Co-Chief Executive Officers of the business, takes a sip of his tea as he thoroughly reads the local news back in Flintwood where they left Skyler, Ariel, and Danny to their own devices.

Despite being almost 18 years old this year, Skyler is still relatively a kid with how immature he is in dealing with his everyday life. The way he hides his weakness is problematic for a parent for it worries them that their child is not explaining his anxieties to him.

With a sigh, Ragnor put down his laptop on the table and gets up from his seat, stretching for a bit as he wonders how his treasured children are faring.

"It seems that you are still worrying about them huh." A female voice appears behind him Ragnor can feel arms wrapping around his waist as he smiles at the female who sneakily binds him in that spot.

Ragnor gives his wife a smile.

"Well, it's not like I cannot worry." Ragnor turns around and is met with the exquisite figure of his partner. "After all, they are our children."

"True. Even I worry about them sometimes..." Co-Chief Executive Officer, Shareholder, and Wife of Ragnor, Tria Asteri, leans her head under Ragnor's chin as she inhaled the intoxicating scent of his husband as both embrace each other, slowly rocking side to side.

"But, it is our job as parents to let them experience the real world, am I wrong?" Tria sneakily gives Ragnor a small peck on the cheek as she pulls away and went to her seat where an article about Project D.R.A.G.O.N.'s announcement of going worldwide, joining the major architectural monsters in the world as Ragnor scans the article's information about their company.

"True, but that doesn't mean we can't worry," Ragnor said as he took a seat right next to his wife.

"Project D.R.A.G.O.N." stands for Developing Robust Architectural Goals and Objectives Nationwide. The goal of Project D.R.A.G.O.N. Architecture is to provide innovative and reliable solutions that meet the unique requirements of their clients. Striving to develop robust, realistic, and relevant architectural goals and objectives that align with the needs of each client, while also considering the complexities and challenges of each project. By nurturing innovation and networking with experts in the industry, they aim to navigate the complex world of architectural design to deliver great outcomes for their clients, while maintaining a focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility. Ultimately, their main objective is to be a trusted partner and advisor to different clients, providing them with exceptional service and delivering on each promise every time.

"Heh, can't believe that we named our first business 'Project D.R.A.G.O.N.'. Seems kind of ironic don't you think?" Ragnor asks as Tria sighs, not liking where this conversation is going.

In the general eyes of the public, Project D.R.A.G.O.N. is nothing more than a normal business in the field of Architecture and Engineering, which by the way is already a big hit in that field, but there is more to it than it seems when one is to conduct heavy investigation inside.

The employees in that certain business venture are adept in magic, or at the very least, able to see and sense ones. As long as a person can sense magic, or someone who is not a human but disguised as one is already legible for employment in their business.

The true nature of their business is simple.

Their business is basically going undercover in the supernatural world, fixing problems that modern people cannot see while maintaining the face of a successful company.

"My dear, I know you are against this but--"


Tria says firmly without looking as Ragnor looks surprised, then nods after hearing her say so. He knows better how much of a danger her wife will be when she gets angry.

Especially since she has a temper that can rival a dragon. 


And with that, the two humans continue to enjoy their trip in relative silence with Ragnor leaving to get a bottle of wine to make the trip bearable as Tria continue to read random online articles before getting tired and put down her tablet. 

It was then that a few seconds after letting go of the device did it let out a big 'ding!' and then glowing.

Curious, Tria pick up her tablet and click the notification bell. The notification leading her to what seems to be the local news of Flintwood's buzz feed as her eyes widens to the size of dinner plates as she looks at the thing present in the tablet, her hand which is holding a dainty tea-cup freeze in mid-air.

Said cup of tea that she is about to drink falls from her weakened grip, hurdling and spilling it under the floor below her, miraculously not staining her clothes in the process while the teacup made a loud crash sound, alerting his husband who just conveniently came back from getting whines.

Hearing the commotion coming from the passenger seat and seeing the shocking state of his wife, Ragnor immediately comes to her need as her entire body shivers despite the cabin not cold.

"Honey? Dear? What's wrong? Why are you--" Immediately after noticing what was shown in the tablet screen did Ragnor's face falls as he too realize what made his wife shiver.

Shown in the tablet is a video about a white dragon break-dancing in the middle of what seems to be a convention center as the familiar music of a Just Dance 2020 plays in the background. The curious crowd that is surrounding the white dragon cheers as the dancing dragon manage to get a perfect score, ending it with a pose as the crowd roars wild.

The video ends with the white dragon waving at the crowd while getting a life sized Toothless the Nightfury plushie as he says his name which is the reason why it shocks the two humans in the room.

"...and yes, my name is Skyler. Thanks for the Toothless plushy! Bye! I gotta go meet with my sister now!" Skyler says in the video before it ended.


A few minutes passes by, the video loops for almost 6 times with Ragnor and Tria not moving, still processing what they just saw in the news.

That couldn't be real could it? There is no way. The couple tries to keep denying it, that their son just turned into a dragon and yet, they both knew that deep down, it is true.

How they knew that it is their son is simple. Because they too are not ordinary humans.

Well, Ragnor is obviously human. He looks at his wife who seems to have calm down and is looking at the tablet with a betrayed look, before looking at the human with an intense glare.

"We are going back."


End of Chapter 26!!

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