Chapter 28 - The Asteri Bloodline

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All dragons, including Danny, went to their backyard for their dragon parents to explain everything they need to know. However, upon finishing half the tale did Ariel begins to loose it.

"Chottomattekudasai..." Ariel says slowly as she is still trying to process the bombshell that just got dropped on her.

"I know... I didn't know that pumpkins are technically fruits since they have seeds inside..." Danny agrees, looking at the giant pumpkin and milk that his dragon parents give him to play with.

"Yeah- Wait wha-- NO!"

"Bananas Trees are not trees at all and are actually giant herbs?" Nature says as she looks up from the tablet showing a video documentary about plants.

"No! It is--"

"When ejaculating a big amount of sperm inside the vagina of a female, the sperm doesn't actually rush to the egg cell, instead, the egg cell actually chooses which sperm gets to win?" Sunny says while holding a phone while streaming a YouTube video about the human reproductive organs and their sexual activities.

"Okay, first of all; Wow, is that actually the case? I always thought it was the sperm cells that rush toward the egg cell. Second; THAT IS NOT WHAT WE ARE HERE FOR! And third; Can you please watch your words?! Danny is here for crying out loud!" Ariel then turns to her parents who are no humans, her father looking guilty while her mother shows no sign of emotion.

"Honey... Please understand that---" Her father tries to reason with Ariel, but she immediately cuts him off by a bombardment of sarcastic words.

"What is there to understand?! That our lives are based on a lie?! Omg! I would never have thought of that! Wow! What's next?! Are you gonna tell us that we have some kind of... magical bloodline demigod or something?!" The young white dragoness is basically fuming right now as her parents are, surprisingly still calm despite their daughter's outburst.

Ragnor is about to say something to Ariel, but Tria immediately buts in, signaling her husband to stop.

"...Ariel, honey..." Tria pauses as she tries to find the words to better explain the situation they are in for her unstable daughter's mind. "You know very well, that we love you both..." She can see Ariel rolling her eyes as the young white dragoness looks away. "And you know very well that we would never lie to you--"

"Oh really?! Then how do you explain the sudden revelation that me, Skyler and Danny are not actually humans?! In fact, why is Danny still human?!" She says, pointing to Danny who is sitting in the pumpkin.

"Yeah! What she says!" Danny gets up from the pumpkin he is sitting on and walks towards his sister, his arms crossed. "I wanna be a dragon too! "

"No you do not!" Ariel firmly states as she look at Tria with an intense stare.

"All I ever wanted in life, is to go to college, finish my degree, look for a boyfriend, look for my dream job and then be happy with my family while visiting you guys! But now? Now it won't happen! Because of this!" The dragoness points to her whole body which is draconic in nature.

"And that's not even the worst part... The fact that we cannot turn back into humans is stupid asf! What about you guys?! Huh?! Why can you turn back willingly while me and Skyler cannot?!"

"That's what we've been trying to tell you honey..." Ragnor sighs, this situation ain't going nowhere with their daughter being emotionally unstable.

Danny looks around nervously before speaking again:

"...Are there any more of us there in the world?" He asks quietly, afraid of being yelled at upon.

Nature suddenly speaks up after glancing at Danny briefly.

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