One-Shot Special Non-Cannon (Nature) Finale

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'Why is she running away from me?' Skyler thought as he dodged and weaved through the thick canopy that he is dealing with while chasing Nature through the darkened forest in front of him. 'And why do I feel a sense of Deja Vu when doing this?'

"Nature! Stop!" Skyler shouted through the forest as his voice echoed along the area. Unfortunately for him, his pleas went unheard of as Nature suddenly jumped up and flew to the skies through a small opening that is just enough for her to get away from Skyler.

'Gotta get away! Gotta get away! Get away from me! Leave me be!' Nature said with panic in her voice as she flew beyond the trees and out into the open, feeling the wind rushing through her wings as the dark clouds blocked the moonlight from making her visible. '

Skyler noticed this and immediately took flight and skillfully followed Nature with ease. All those times avoiding dragonesses by flying away are finally paying off as he increased the power of his wings, trying to catch up to Nature and make her talk.

Noticing how Skyler is catching up to her, Nature did a sharp roll and flew straight up, preserving the momentum that she had when flying straight and making Skyler pass his target as he stopped abruptly and watched in awe as Nature tried to fly high to the clouds in hopes of evading his very being.

And evade him she did. Nature looked behind and below her, noticing that she managed to shook of Skyler from her tail. Still, she can't just stay there and let Skyler catch her. No, she needs to leave as soon as she can. There is a possibility that Skyler could sneak up behind her and capture her from the shadows.

'If so... what can I do?' Nature thought hard as she noticed something shining above.

'Of course!'


Skyler, being uncharacteristically stubborn for some reason, followed Nature in hot pursuit as he scanned the clouds for any irregularities as he flew inside. He has been flying in random directions, shouting Nature's name while trying to sense her presence for the past few minutes. So far, all his efforts on locating Nature had been futile f it weren't for those stinking clouds.

Naturally, Skyler would not be able to see Nature since the clouds are very dark especially since the moonlight is blocked. However!

Skyler also thought that that would also put Nature at a disadvantage since there is a possibility that she might run into him as well!

All those years dealing with Nature have made Skyler develop a psychological profile of Nature! This means he knows how she thinks! How she talks! And If so, then that means...

' Above!' Both Skyler and Nature thought simultaneously as they both flew beyond the darkness that is surrounding them.

In a matter of seconds, both of them flew above with great speed. They knew that whoever comes out first will be the winner!

A great burst of cloudy pieces of cotton balls exploded as both Skyler and Nature flew fast above the clouds, only to be greeted by no one but each other as their gazes widened in shock.



Both of them said breathlessly.

Immediately after that, Nature skedaddled like her life depended on it and continued this pointless chase of tag, but this time, she was being chased by an overly stubborn dragon who is confused about why he is stubborn himself.

And so, the pointless game of tag resumed as both dragons flew through the sky under the pale light of the moon, making it seem to the onlookers that those two were dancing along the stars. It even reached the point where both dragons began to get tired due to flying hard.

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