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Every morning, I need to take an amount of pills for my health. The bottles were nicely placed on my nightstand beside my bed and had it's own color of pills. I usually have to take at least four or five a day, but I sometimes forget it or it don't bother me because I'm not going to get better anyway. I noticed that one bottle was almost empty but I considered asking my mom if we should get a new one or not. They were pretty expensive and hard to get. I took couple of them and sipped from my water. I swallowed one for one. They hadn't really got a nice taste so how quicker I swallowed them down, the better. I placed the water aside and stood up, grabbing the now empty bottle and walked downstairs.

I noticed that my mom was reading some magazines and that Beau and Jai weren't anywhere near. "Mom, I think we need to get new ones of this one cause it's empty" I said and plopped down beside her. I showed her the bottle but she didn't look up. Guess she was in a deep reading position. I coughed loudly and her head shot up.

"Oh yeah thanks Luke, I'll go get some new ones today" she murmured and continued doing what she was doing. I sat up and tried looking at the article she was reading. 'Cancer. What now?' ;

I looked up at her and turned my head. "Why are you reading that?". She put the magazine away and turned her head to me. "I want you to enjoy your life as much as possible" "But I am enjoying life. Just not the right way" I answered and shrugged my shoulders.

I suddenly had the urge to smoke. To inhale the killing thing that is popular. I began picking some skin on me left arm and bit my lip. I would get some cigarets later. And maybe I'd visit Rose or something. It seemed like, every day is boring and you just have to go through it and don't expect anything better tomorrow cause it would be the same.

The urge kept growing and I felt some pressure on my chest. "Is it okay if I go to a friend's?" I asked my mom and she glanced up. "Oh Luke.. It's like you don't want to be here anymore" She stated worriedly with sadness in her eyes. I frowned and stood up,

"What has that to do with anything?" I was slightly getting irritated by the fact that mothers won't easily say yes or no. They began ranting and then you wish you had kept your mouth shut. "You're staying a lot at a friend's lately. Who is he or she?" She asked and followed me to the front door. I tied my shoes and pulled on my coat. "Nothing-" I answered but doubted if I should kept being quiet about it or not. There were already a lot of things that I didn't told her so maybe it was better if I did. I could really get some advise on this subject.

"I'll tell you when I get back" I informed and she nodded. She patted my back and I left. I made sure I had some money in my pockets so I could buy the things I needed.

I walked to the closest coffee shop I knew and entered it. The smell of smoke and coffee immediately hit me. "Luke! Nice seeing you again!" Pat said behind the counter. He was a good friend of my mom, still is. He sometimes came drinking coffee at ours, but when his wife died, he blocked everything out and he was a total wreck. But it's going better with him now. I greeted him and walked over to him. He knew about me. My mom couldn't keep her mouth shut at times. It hurts her so much that she almost tells everybody about it. "I'm doing good, how about you?" "Yeah it's going okay" He answered and I smiled lightly. He always answered with that. Even when his wife died. He's a positive man but also emotional. "What can I do for you?" He then asked while cleaning a cup. I doubted if I should ask him for cigarets or go somewhere else.

"Marlboro's please" I said confidently and he widened his eyes, "Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't advise you that. Once you start, it's hard to stop. Plus, you're-" "Oh but it's not for me. It's for a friend of mines, he's at my home now. He couldn't be bothered to go so I nicely went" I smiled and Pat sighed of relief. "Thank The Lord. He better get his ass off of that couch next time" he joked and handed me a pack and a lighter, for what I also asked for. "That's $7,50"

75 Days || Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now