They handed us the cherry slushies they bought and sat down beside us again. Now that I couldn't pour all my feelings out to Andrew anymore, I lost all interest in their conversation and looked down at my phone.

My eyes instinctively wandered to the time, and I knew I wouldn't be able to finish the rest of my homework if I hung out any longer. As terrible as it sounds, I'd rather do that than waste more time plainly ignoring Aiden.

"I have to get home," I said to them. "See you guys tomorrow."

♡ ♡ ♡

Aiden's P.O.V.

Andrew practically dragged me to his house after Lily left, shortly after Vinnie did. I seriously didn't know what I did to that guy. He was ignoring me and was acting like such an asshole whenever I was around. It was definitely because I kissed him. I was scared I made him so uncomfortable that I decided to tell him that I was sorry and that it was just a dare. But even after, there was a whole negative vibe around our group.

I needed to tell him I wasn't gay and that I knew he had a girlfriend or else he wouldn't trust me being around him anymore.

"Andrew, why am I here?" I asked when he finally closed his bedroom door.

"You screwed up," was all he said, pointing his finger in my face.

"C'mon, I told Vinnie that I didn't know he'd be uncomfortable with kissing a dude and I said sorry. I'll just have to accept the fact that it's never gonna happen between us, that's all," I told him. Andrew didn't say anything, but rolled his eyes, giving up on me while falling onto his bed and giving out a frustrated groan. "What else is there to do? I haven't made him uncomfortable at all today. Except, maybe, nonstop staring at him. But he won't talk to me, he won't walk to school with me, and he won't even spare me a look without getting mad!"

"Look, I can't tell you why, but I need you to say sorry . . . again . . . in a different way."

"I can't even get within a foot of him without him walking away," I objected. "I messed up, Andrew. He hates me, okay?" I slumped down in his desk chair and pulled my head in my hands.

"Try," Andrew said. "Please."

I lifted myself up to look at him. "And if he doesn't listen?"

"Just give him space. Until next week. Give him a genuine apology on Monday, or try talking to him on Sunday. Don't force anything." Andrew looked straight at me with those pleading that never failed to work. "But don't mention the kiss. Don't even mention the day all of this angst started, okay?"

I rested my head on the backrest of Andrew's desk chair and swiveled a 360 to help my thinking. "But what if-"

"Stop saying 'what if.' Stop thinking about it. Just do it."

Andrew was right. He was the only guy anyone could ever go to when they needed advice. If I hadn't had him in middle school, I probably wouldn't have survived, especially now when it came to Vinnie. Yeah, I've crushed on a bunch of different guys before, but never have I ever told anyone or actually kissed one. Scratch that, Andrew was a drunk mistake. Nonetheless, Tessa's so fucking lucky.

Andrew gave me another one of his looks that showed so much confidence it made me feel better about what his advice could do for me.

I felt my phone buzz in my sweatshirt pocket. Maybe it was idiotic for me to think it was Vinnie, but the thought of him really made everything about him, because of the way my adolescent mind worked. Instead, it was another girl on Snapchat.

If anyone had the chance to scroll through my Snapchat, I would be in trouble, really. To tell the truth, the last time I used the app was when Vinnie wasn't pissed at me. And no matter how harsh it sounded, every girl who's snapped me since school started has been left on delivered since then. Everyone else-Andrew, Carter, Serena, and Lily-gave up on me. They never knew the reason why and I'd like to keep it that way. It was always just Vinnie.

I only realize now how sad that is. But every girl who snaps me is irrelevant. It's either about homework or just "wanting to know me." Vanessa won't get off my back about hanging out and how fun the party was. Like, slow down, I'm gay. I can't tell you that, but just read it off my mind. Or feel my vibe because whoever thinks I'm straight is fucking blind.

My finger hovered over the button to snap Vinnie, but Andrew's words floated in the back of my mind. So I turned off my phone and stuffed it back in my pocket.

I spun in the chair again.

"I wish Tessa didn't exist," I blurt out, staring up at the ceiling. "I wish I never bumped into him in the hallway so I would have a calm day and not be worrying about this."

"I wish I didn't have to put up with either of you," he says.

"At least with him you don't have to deal with boy problems."

Andrew rolls his eyes and tosses around in his bed. "Whatever."

I couldn't help but take my phone out again and look at the pictures Vinnie took of me the first time he stayed over. I've never really admitted this, but before I woke him up that morning, he went onto my bed unconsciously and lay down right beside me. It was so early in the morning so I never really noticed it when he put his arm on top of me. He was too deep in a dream to wake up himself, so I did. I didn't want him to wake up to me in his arms.

Damn, I was thinking too much. There's only one way to fix that.

"Can you turn on the speaker?" I asked Andrew.

"I'm not about to listen to Jaymes Young for an hour straight again, Aiden."

"Being friends with me is so sort of like a package deal, Andrew."

Because it was technically obligatory for him to, Andrew turned on his speaker and disconnected his Bluetooth so I could connect my phone.

He's hung out with me enough that he has learned to put up with my excessive obsession with Jaymes Young's songs. I had a playlist full of my favorites and always put it on shuffle. I've never played it around anyone else though. They'd think I'm weird.

"Should I listen to this with Vinnie sometime?" I asked, starting the playlist.

"Just hope his head doesn't explode like mine's about to."

Just then "Infinity" came on, and I calmed down.

Next time, I told myself. We'll listen to this song. But just as friends.

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