1: 1 Day, 2 Mornings

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"Steven, get your lazyass up!" Amethyst yelled into her brother's ear as he covered his head with his pillow. He pulled the blanket further up as Amethyst shook him rapidly. "Come on Dreamer Boy. It's not Sunday anymore. Besides, you slept all day yesterday."

Steven rose up and yawned. He groaned after and rubbed his eyes wearily. "Dammit Ame you don't need to shake me like a saltshaker...and besides, don't expect me to be happy that I have 3 tests today." He muttered as he got out of bed. Amethyst chuckled as she remembered how horrible it was to take tests while she was still in school. It was fun to rub that in her poor brother's face since he was only in 11th grade, and had 12th grade and college to take care of.
"Heh, makes me glad I'm not in school anymore. Sucks for you." She laughed in his face. "Still you on the other hand still need to get up and get those tests over with. You don't want Garnet to get on your case, better yet Pearl, do you?"

"Oh hell naw..." And it was true. As much as he loved his aunts, they'll still get on his ass if they needed to. Garnet was one to give long talks to him if he did anything wrong. She was calm and loved calling him "cutie pie", even if it embarrassed him. While she was the aunt to give good advice, Pearl was different on a high level. Pearl would get pissed and panic real quick. Many minutes, or even hours of panic talk and argue. Overall, she was the most protective of him, though a little too overprotective. If Steven could choose who he's rather get a punishment from, he'd damn sure choose Garnet. At least she wouldn't panic over something like being late for school or failing a test. She'd just ground him for a thousand years. (yes, that was reference 😋) Or just few a week or so.

"Fine, imma get ready. Just stop rubbing your 'i dont have any tests bla bla bla' stuff in my face, ok?" Steven smirked as Amethyst headed for the door.
"Alright fine. I'll stop bragging....for now." After she left with a laugh, Steven changed into his usual attire of a black shirt with a gold star in the middle, jeans, and sandals, finally a pink jacket to finish off his Universe charm. He got his backpack and went into the living room, where Pearl was eyeing her watch like a hawk, Garnet reading a magazine, and Amethyst playing Bitlife on her laptop.

Pearl looked at Steven impatiently. "Well it's about time you got up, mister." Steven sighed.

"Sorry, Pearl. I kinda overslept," Steven told her.

"Still you have about 45 minutes before you're late...try to make it before you are."

"Don't worry, Bird mom." Steven grinned. "I got this."
Garnet smiled and kissed him on his forehead. "Have a good day cutie pie."

The 17 year old blushed in embarrassment. "Garnet! I'm too old for that!"

"Just like Greg is too old to act so childish, but look at him now." Amethyst said jokingly. The car washer heard that from the kitchen and gave an slightly offended "Hey!".

"Well it's true."

Steven grabbed some extra money and from and headed for the door. "Be sure to be home early today, it's supposed to be raining!" Greg called out.

"Yeah, Ok. See ya'll later!" he said before he finally left for Beach City High.
Blue Diamond read the note silently as her sisters shook their heads. This had been the 25th note from the principal this month about Spinel skipping classes and getting into trouble.

"What did she do this time?" White asked with a displeased sigh.

"Skipped classes, threatening 5 students, graffitied the counselor's office, drinking alcohol, smoking on school grounds, stole 3 teachers wallets, including 2 students, and got caught at the back of the school with a 12th grader..." Blue read with sadness. Yellow groaned and frowned at what she just heard. All of that in one week, and Spinel thought she was slick with stuffing the note in her pocket, thinking her parental gaurdians wouldn't notice. She had gotten away with it many times before, though there were also times where they'd catch on.

"Spinel!" Yellow yelled with rage. "GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!"

"Leave me the fuck alone, Yellow!" A voice called from upstairs. "I'm not in the mood for your shit!"

"Spinel I'm serious, and watch your language young lady!!!"

"Ugh!" Spinel stomped down the stairs with a lit cigarette in  her mouth. She stood in front of Yellow with an annoyed expression. "What the hell do you want?" The yellow haired woman glared at the 17 year old. Spinel was dressed in a short black crop top, black shorts and fishnet leggings. Her hair was black with pink fade and her eyes were a dark pink. Anyone could easly say she was a hoe, at least dressed like one.

"For one, you need to work on your attitude. And second, put that cigarette down!" Yellow yelled at the teen. However, all she did was take a puff of the cigarette and blew the smoke in Yellow's face.

"How bout this: Hell. Naw. "

White looked at her furious sister with a sad expression. "It's not gonna do any good, Yellow. She's her own boss and has a mind of her own." Spinel stood up and pointed to White. "At least one of you pathetic bitches knows something. Now if you'll excuse me I have some shit to take care of." As she took another blow of her cigarette, Blue spoke up in a hope to get some authority over her.

"Would you please try to behave at school for once today? Perhaps not using graffiti, respecting the teachers and other students, and perhaps not skip your classes?" she asked in the nicest way possible. However, it did no good. Spinel laughed wiped a fake tear from her eye.

Then she put her hand on her hip and smiled smugly at Blue. "That's so cute Blue. Telling me what to do, huh? And you even said please like I care. That's so fucking cute." Spinel smirked and and turned her back, heading to the door.

"Cover yourself up Spinel." Yellow said sternly. "You're showing too much skin."

"And actually come home on time. No parties, no going to late night bars or any clubs, and I don't wanna hear that you've been on a pole again," White told her.

Without any last word, Spinel rolled her eyes and left out the door, throwing down the burned down cigarette and lighting a brand new one as she took her sweet ass time walking to the destination she didn't give a shit about.
Hey Kat Kommunity, it's Katlady back in the building. Since ya'll wanted it here's what I brought unto you. I know it's horrible, but give me your opinion. Yes, Spinel has a car like Steven, but that meant going to high school faster amirite? Lmao. Anyway, Keep calm and sleep on. Another chapter will be out sooner or later.

Mending Hearts (Human Spinel x Full Human Steven)Where stories live. Discover now