"Maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?" Wonwoo whispered, unsure.

"Lets see first..... I will just contact Yugyeom for a help in setting up a meeting between Jaebum sunbaenim and us....." Mingyu suggested.

"I'm fine with it...." Wonwoo said in a hushed tone.

"Boys! How're you Wonwoo? Any sickness or whatsoever?" The manager asked from the driver seat.

"I'm totally fine hyung....There's nothing to worry about" Wonwoo said.

They arrived at the dorm and the manager asked them to help with the groceries.

Mingyu took one of the plastic bag but ended up the plastic bag got taken away by Wonwoo from his hand.

Their manager looked at them,weirded out but Wonwoo paid no attention to that.

"Bye hyung.....we'll go into the dorm now" Wonwoo said and Mingyu followed after him into the building.

Their manager just drove away from the building.

The boys were still lazing around the dorm but when the door bell rang, all the boys looked towards the door.

Jeonghan rushed to open the door for Wonwoo and Mingyu to step in.

"Hey Jeonghan hyung! Manager hyung bought the groceries for us!" Mingyu said with a smile when he saw Jeonghan.

"Let me take those for you,Wonwoo!" Jeonghan offered and took over the plastic bags from Wonwoo's hands.

He placed the groceries on the kitchen counter before unpacking it.

Mingyu and Wonwoo just sat down at the couch as all the members surrounded them.

Seemingly to be waiting for something or answers from them.

Jeonghan finished unpacking all the groceries and joined them in the living room.

"Well? Anything wrong with your health,Wonwoo?" Soonyoung asked.

"Nope. I'm perfectly fine...it's just a bit of morning sickness" Wonwoo replied back.

"Oh then everything's fine!" Soonyoung said and the members were about to be dismissed when Mingyu called for their attention.

Mingyu gripped harder onto Wonwoo's hand as everyone's attention turned towards him.

"Well, Mingyu here has something to announce to you all!" Wonwoo said to the members.

Wonwoo looked at Mingyu as an encouragement.

"I'm pregnant" Mingyu muttered.

He kept his head down and bit on his lips, afraid to see the members' reactions.

Silence engulfed the whole living room.

No one talked.

Mingyu felt tears brimming in his eyes and was still bitting his lips but even harder.

I'm so emotional right now...Why do i even expect the members to accept the fact that one of their member is suprisingly pregnant when the person's even a male at that? Mingyu thought.

"Mingyu, why're you crying? Don't cry..." Soonyoung said and hugged him.

Mingyu looked up.

No traces of anger or sadness were present on any of the member's face.

Instead happiness and confusion were present.

"You all are not angry at me?" Mingyu asked.

They shook their heads.

"What for?" Jun asked with a soft smile on his face.

"Hyung....how? You're a boy and boys are not supposed to get pregnant...." Chan titled his head to the side with confusion written all over his face.

Mingyu laughed a little.

"I was confused at first too but then the doctor explained that some men are meant to be born with the female reproductive organ and I was one of the special!"Mingyu explained to the members.

" Ahh....Does that mean that maybe some of us here are fertile too?"Seungkwan asked.

"Who knows?" Mingyu smiled a teasing smile.

"Mingyu, how far along are you?" Seungcheol asked.

"One month and a half" Mingyu replied their leader.

"What do you plan to do with the baby?" Jeonghan asked.

"Of course I'm keeping it! Male pregnancies are rare!" Mingyu said.

"So Mingyu hyung...the fat I saw yesterday was actually a bump?" Chan asked again.

Mingyu nodded.

"Apparently that's the case"

"But Mingyu...We're idols! Are you sure about keeping the baby? What about your career? Do you plan to tell the agency? What about the public?Your parents?" Jeonghan asked Mingyu again.

"I want to AND will keep the baby! I will tell the agency sooner but just not these few days..... Public? We haven't even told the public that we're dating with each other within the group!? Only the company knows! Nothing can change my mind!" Mingyu got up and ran to his room and locked it.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do next....

"Jeonghan hyung.....I'm sure Mingyu hyung knows what he's doing.....You should apologise to him later when you see him" Vernon advised, placing a hand on Jeonghan's shoulder.

Jeonghan walked away without saying anything.

"Actually, Mingyu and I were planning to meet someone tomorrow regarding male pregnancy.....GOT7's leader, JB Sunbaenim?" Wonwoo told the boys calmly.

"What's JB sunbaenim got to do with  male pregnancy?" Seokmin asked.

"JB sunbaenim also went through the same thing as Mingyu is going through right now.... Now, please don't tell anyone about it...Let's keep it between us,okay?" Wonwoo said.

The SEVENTEEN members had shocked expressions painted on their faces and clasped their hands over their mouths.

"We promise" the members said together.

"Mingyu is one to clean up after himself so he would be fine..." Minghao said.

"I'm willing to take responsibility of the baby that Mingyu's carrying right now...."

"Hyung.....How did you even end up impregnating Mingyu hyung?" Seungkwan asked with wriggling eyebrows.

"Maybe the condom broke? " Wonwoo said unsurely.

"Why would you want to know?!" Wonwoo exclaimed, his face beat red when he finally reminded himself of what Seungkwan asked him about.

Wonwoo got up and left for his bedroom.

"I'll just go and check on Jeonghan..." Seungcheol excused himself.

Kidnapped & Beaten (SEVENTEEN)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora