• Chapter 26 •

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For the rest of the weekend, Percy and Nico have been spending it together.

Nico absolutely adored him, and he didn't want to leave him. Ever.

In his arms or on the phone, it didn't matter.

He loved him to the moon and back.

*   *   *

The rest of day seemed like a blur.

It wasn't blank and pale though- it was full of joyful, dancing colors.

While Percy were driving back home, traffic got them. Harsh, blinding lights glared from other vehicles. Houses and apartments covered the horizon and lights were turning on inside them. The sun was setting, tinting the sky of shades of orange, yellow, pink and red.

It strangely resembled in some way, flames. Flames reaching out to the clouds, trying to pull it down to land level. It was a useless attempt though; the clouds were too busy covering the blazing sun, letting the darkness take over. Smiling, Nico imagined their quarrels.

His shaggy raven black bangs fell onto his eyes. Brushing it out of the way, he glanced out of the car. From the wing mirror, he could see Percy's alluring reflexion with his jet black swept on one side as if he just took a stroll on the beach on a windy day. It was in some way true, since the breezes outside did buffet his hair in the field. 

His sea green eyes resembled a kaleidoscope with its swirling undertones of turquoise colors. Hints of blue sparkled in the pools of green, looking like seashells under the water.

"Hey, Nico?" Percy asked, breaking the silence. Well, as silent as it can be on the road with cars roaring past and angry drivers honking and yelling.

Turning around, Nico faced his lover. He looked slightly troubled but he was wearing at the same time his usual laid-back expression. "Yeah?" he replied, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

His hands still on the steering wheel, Percy sighed. "You know Piper? Like, Jason's ex?"

Furrowing his brows, Nico glanced at the rearview mirror. Piper... he'd seen her a few times hanging out with Percy last year at Goode, but he had never gotten the chance to actually have a conversation with her. He'd also heard a lot about her from Jason, and she seemed like a wonderful person.

"Well, yeah." he replied, wondering where this conversation was heading. Please, he begged internally, Nothing bitter. Nico was strangely good at overthinking with his heart, and it wasn't a quality he wanted.

At the red light, his boyfriend stopped, before turning around right to face him. "While you were climbing that tree back at the natural park..."

With a nod, Nico signalled him to continue. He briefly remembered excitedly running towards the tall tree while Percy stayed behind on his phone. Because he looked anxious, Nico hadn't questioned his motives. Everybody needed some time alone. Just because he was feeling needy didn't mean he had to involve his boyfriend in it.

"Well, I got a call. From Jason." Nico's lips parted slightly in surprise, then jealousy, before shaking the feeling off. It wasn't Percy's fault he was getting calls from other boys. "He said he had news. He only had time to tell me one thing though."

"What does it have to do with Piper?" Nico inquired, genuinely confused. Why was Percy not getting to the point yet?

Glancing out the window, Percy sighed once again. "Piper got a new girlfriend."

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