• Chapter 20 •

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"Agh, with all that rain outside, I should probably drive you lot to school."

Snapping his head up, Nico stared incredulously at his father.

Hades di Angelo? Showing kindness?

Maybe the tables have turned.

*   *   *

The ride to Jupiter High was calm, but certainly not peaceful. The serenity lacked, it was obvious.

Electric tension sparkled in the air as the bearded man drove in silence, sometimes casting seldom glances in his offsprings' direction.

Hazel sat quietly, her breathing barely audible. Her cinnamon brown, almost golden curls of hair dangled onto her shoulders, complimenting her purple-and-gold shirt and navy blue jacket. She bit her plump lower lip and stared out the windshield with her stunning eyes of the color of molten gold.

Her half brother, having nothing else better to do, simply studied her dark complexion. Nico loved the way her skin looked like a roasted coffee bean in the dim lighting of the hazy sunlight hid by the raindrops. He sighed and stared ahead, careful to avoid eye contact.

Anxious to break through the ice, their father coughed.

Both Hazel and Nico whipped their heads towards him with blinding speed at the same time.

"Uhm, I think I have to apologize to you two." Hades croaked out, as if the words were burning his tongue. Nico couldn't believe his ears. Hazel looked as shocked as he felt.

His hand still on the wheel, he glanced at the rearview mirror. "I've been pretty tough on you two. I-I guess it wasn't fair of me." He took a deep breath. "I-I've just been... my mind was on... other things. Your mothers' deaths... it was too much for me. I-I know its sounds off, since I've been acing quite apathetic... but I mean it. I loved them with all my heart. I'm sorry f-for acting like such a bad father. I just wanted to tell you that... I love you."

Jaw dropping, Nico stared at his father from behind. His father had tried to become more present lately... but him? Apologizing? It seemed to good to be true.

The unsettling silence was broken by Hazel placing her hand onto her biological father's shoulder, opening her mouth to say something. "I-" She glanced back tentatively to her older brother. "W-we forgive you."

Hades di Angelo seemed to smile in sorrow, but Nico was so unfamiliar with the expression that he couldn't tell. His ghostly white fingers held the wheel tight as he veered left, stopping in Jupiter High's parking lot.

Turning around, he looked at his daughter and son with his head down, almost as if he was scared of the action. "H-have a good day at school... I've heard the exchange student is coming today." he finished off, holding Hazel's hand in his, yet deepening his eyes in Nico's.

His eyes grew twice in size. Nico stumbled out of the car. "See you... Dad." he breathed out, his eyes on the imposing building the whole time. 

The exchange student... In the midst of all the family drama, Nico had completely forgotten about him. Hurrying off without Hazel, he rushed through the hallways of Jupiter High, twisting his skull ring absentmindedly in anxiety.

Despite his encounter with Percy the other day, Nico didn't like the idea of him being the dreaded exchange student. The mere sound of his name sent shivers down his spine, unnerving him completely.

Silently praying it wouldn't be him, Nico stumbled onto someone. "Watch where you're going!" he snapped, his mind clouded by his apprehensiveness.


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