• Chapter 7 •

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Running. Gasping. Galloping. Roaring.

And when he came to a final halt, trying to catch his breath, that voice was here again, always, forever, running loose in his mind.

"Are you okay?"

*   *   *

Still that tingling sensation on his lips one again.

Waking up gasping for air, Percy caressed his lips, feeling that lingering sensation that was here a few weeks ago. He still couldn't figure out why he had that flashback of a dream in the first place, and now it was here haunting him again?

It was Tuesday morning. Tilting his head up, Percy glanced out the window. The first breaks of dawn were making an appearance. Sunshine was starting pooling into his bedroom, flooding the bookshelves with light.

His eyes then landed onto his alarm clock. Percy still had an hour before needing to "wake up", and his first thoughts went immediately to sleeping.

But as he lay his head back on his soft, comfortable pillow, he realized he didn't feel any sense of fatigue. His eyelids refused to close and his body refused to be tired for another nap.

Percy groaned and snatched his phone off his bedside table, kicking off his aquamarine-shaded blanket in the process. Opening his messages, he noticed one again the 'read' under his last text to Nico. Percy thought all hopes he had carried had sunk down when he got the news that Nico was attending Jupiter High, but apparently not. He felt his heart twist in agony, wanting the dark-eyed boy's soothing words again.

So he tried getting his attention again.

to nico💙:

percy: nico, why didn't you tell me you didn't go to my school anymore?

percy: please reply, i never get news from you anymore

percy: do you hate me?

Even though he hated showing his vulnerability, he hated the fact that Nico was ignoring him even more.


"Great. Just great.", Percy mumbled under his breath.


A flicker of hope lit up in his heart.

nico: i don't hate you percy

nico: it's just

nico: it's hard to keep up with life and i don't deserve you

Percy's heart melted on spot. Nico not deserving him? It was the opposite, complete contrary.

percy: nico, it's me who doesn't deserve you

percy: i just hope you have fun at jupiter high

Even though he wanted to add 'without me' at the end, he decided better against it.

nico: yeah thx

nico: speaking about that i gtg

Typing in a 'bye', Percy shut his phone off and put it down. He sighed, looking up at the ceiling, and here it was, that beautiful angelic face. It was a snow-covered island with those deep molten brown eyes that made him feel all fuzzy and warm inside. If Nico's image didn't want to escape his mind, then he better learn to live with it.

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