• Chapter 21 •

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Waving, he seemed to brush off any sign of confidence, like putting the flames out a candlelight.

Nothing seemed to light the room anymore. Percy had turned off all the lights, making faces turn towards him, as if waiting for something great to happen.

Yet, in the all the darkness, he could most definitely decipher the ghost king's face.

*   *   *


Oh God, how that boy could twist Percy's mind, forming knots at every opportunity.

As all eyes in the secluded art classroom turned on him, Percy thought he would melt right into his shoes.

Especially when one special dark-eyed boy was looking.

Nico looked as irresistible as ever.

With his polished pale olive skin, it was obvious that the boy had gotten the sleep he needed. His dark brown eyes seemed to see straight through Percy. They were wide open in shock, but the familiar glint of craze still gleamed in his irises, hinting that a part of him knew what was awaiting him. His beautiful, soft lips were parted the slightest, showing signs of either horror or disappointment.

Percy wasn't sure if he wanted to know which.

Soon enough, he realized he was staring, and he quickly averted his gaze.

Mr. Terminus, the principle, was eyeing him with pressure. "Why don't you present yourself?", he said, his voice edgy, forcing sympathy.

Even the assumed art teacher, which he didn't know the name of, was studying him, perplexed, probably wondering if he was mute, since he still hadn't emitted a single word.

"Uh, hey. I'm Perseus Jackson, but please call me Percy. I'm currently attending Goode High School, but I will be attending Jupiter High for a month as an exchange student." he declared, scolding himself, as if the information wasn't obvious already.

The principle coughed into his fist. "Please try to make him feel as welcome as possible. I would hate if anything went... ah, wrong." he finished, shooting daggers at each student. "Isn't that right."

The crowd of students agreed reluctantly. Percy felt unease crippling through him.

Mr. Terminus grunted in approval. He gestured at Percy, motioning to follow him out of the classroom. 

The temperature seemed to drop 10 degrees as the green-eyed boy whipped his head around to catch a glimpse of Nico, still staring wide-eyed at him as another bedraggled blonde-haired boy whispered in his ear, giggling at the sight of him being flustered.

Casting one last longing look at the boy, Percy shuffled out of the door, Mr. Terminus at his heels.

*   *   *

For the rest of the morning, Percy didn't see Nico at all. He wished he could have, but at the same time he wondered if the boy was avoiding him.

In addition, Jason clung to him the whole time, assuring him he will have the opportunity to apologize and admit his feelings to Nico.

But as the clock ticked more and more, Percy's patience and hope was running out. In each class, he couldn't concentrate, and it wasn't because of his attention deficit disorder, it was because he couldn't help thinking about what if everything went wrong.

What if Nico doesn't want to listen to my apologies?

What if Nico rejects my confession?

foreshadow || a percico storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें