Chapter 19 God and Goddess

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All of them looked at him, a little bit scared.... Before he could open his mouth. Carol came out of her room to show her wolf to her family.

All of them gasped at the wolf. They were shocked to see a white wolf.

" You go and shift back ... Now" Hagon yelled at her.

This is the first time he yelled at her after their reunion.

She went back to the room to shift back. Tears are ready to shed in her eyes.

She came out every one was staying there in pin drop silence.

"This is what I tried to explain. Since you have seen it yourself what do you think of that" he asked still not lowering his tone.

" We were happy that Carol shifted , sorry we didn't notice your worry" Sofia said. This made Hagon soften a little.

" Brother don't worry we are here. we will take care of everything. We will protect carol with our life."

Carol didn't understand what's going on. She can understand they are all talking about her. What is the problem with her wolf. Why she needed protection.

" Why do you have to protect me. I am fine. Is there any problem with my wolf
" She asked them terrified and shivering with fear.

Rachel hugged her and comforted her.

" Nothing is wrong with your wolf. She is beautiful and.... Rare. White wolf is the most rare and precious to us. Anyway it's our duty to protect our queen." She said trying to lighten the situation.

"What about her powers, during the coronation she has to show her wolf what will we do about that." Arlo suddenly asked not knowing the situation.

"What powers.... Do I have powers. " Carol asked confused. She started breathing fastly.

"I will take care of her fur colour. I'll change it. But for her powers we have to contact my grandmother, she can help us." Rachel said

Hagon took her from Rachel's holding and tried to relax her. But she got overwhelmed by all the news she just heard.

He started saying " it's nothing we all will take care of everything" again and again

"I am going to my bed, I need rest" with that said she started walking towards their room but as soon as she took two steps she fainted and fell down. But since Hagon is nearby he caught her and took her to the hospital as fast as he could.

All the family members followed him to the hospital.

After about an hour of check up, doctors came out of the emergency room.

" Nothing to worry about Mrs King, she is perfectly alright. Because of her special condition she is anemic. That's why she fainted. And Mr king, congratulations you are going to be father. Your wife is 3 weeks pregnant. It's early for ultra sound examination we can do it in the next check up. I'll give you some folic acid tablet and vitamin tablets. Please make her take it regularly. She can be discharged Today evening after she wakes up." He said

"What...... " All of them shouted together.

Hagon's face was red as strawberry. He has a smile on his face which showed how happy he was.

"Brother can't you wait a little bit longer." Oliver said teasingly

"I even waited 7 years to get your sister pregnant. How can you do this to my sister" Ezra fake cried.

Everyone started teasing him in different ways.

Sofia was overwhelmed by the situation. 2 months back she thought there is no future for his eldest son. But now he is married and expanding his family.

There is one more thing to hide from the enemiexp
Rachel, Stella and Mia promised to always be with Carol for her safety.

Jake Miller the head Gamma will always be on her guard. Leah Miller, Jake's wife will always be with them for their protection. She is also a Warrier.

After forming the protection committee, Hagon went inside her room to see her. But carol is still sleeping. So Hagon sat in the corner of the bed carefully not waiting hurt her.

Then he started stroking her hair lovingly." I will always protect you and our baby with my life" he said softly.

"Our baby....?" A familiar voice is heard. That's when Hagon notice Carol is wide awake.

He was thinking deeply so he didn't notice her waking up.

"Yes our baby" he said smiling like a maniac.

She nodded her head but her eyes started pouring tears.

"I always wanted a baby" she said in between her crying and laughing.

What will happen????

What are the problems they are going to face???

My King✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن