VI - When unity is not strength

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Jin Ah didn't dare look her in the eye and neither did Mrs. Gong. She didn't really think she was going to throw them out, but she needed the money. She was tired of thinking about her husband.

- Ajumma! Shouted Yoo Jin in her little voice. We've been ripped off, do you understand?

Yoo Jin had arrived in the room on time. She had not lost any of the discussion. Mrs. Gong had jumped out of fear: she hadn't heard Yoo Jin arrive and her angry voice didn't stick to her angel face.

Yoo Jin stood in the middle of the room, dripping and wrapped in a large blue towel. She had a little towel over her head and steam was coming out of it. Her wet hair had a sweet smell of vanilla shampoo. Mrs. Gong was somewhat intimidated by the beauty of Yoo Jin. She looked like a pretty European with her sparkling hazelnut eyes and her slightly aquiline nose.

- We saw the ad in a newspaper, we were shown around, we were made to sign documents, we were given the key, we paid... And now we are told that no payment has been made. How do you think we feel?

The owner stammered a few inaudible words and began to feel a little bad. She had of course noticed that the seventh floor tenants were well settled, they even seemed to have their own little family routine. It was a misunderstanding. Nothing more than that. There was only one explanation for the situation.
Mrs. Gong Eun Seok regained her calm and did her best not to think about money first.

- ...Who did you meet on your first visit? She asked gently.

- An old man, a little bald and ugly, who also said he was the owner. replied Jin Ah as she unfolded her legs.

- Did he say he was a real estate agent? Asked Mrs. Gong with a little more interest.

Jin Ah shrugged her shoulders. She wasn't even sure he was a real estate agent. She wasn't sure of anything anymore. Her ideas were not very clear in her head. How could a crook give them the right key to the apartment?

- He had never said he was a real estate agent, but in any case he had the right documents and the key, Yoo Jin continued, adjusting her towel. Old, ugly, bald head, square glasses. And now that I think about it, he looks like a crook!

The owner's face became stuffed and she hid behind her cup. The answers came in bits and strangely, she felt more shame than anger. The more she talked to these young girls, the more she felt she was part of the scammed.

- Ah ! Exclaimed Jin Ah who had had a brief enlightenment. He had given us his "name", what was it again? She exchanged a look with Yoo Jin.

- Kwan...Ji......Gong?

- Gong Ji Kwan. He is my husband, Mrs. Gong announced, much to everyone's surprise. I think he made that bad joke to get back at me...

Jin Ah found the owner even more arrogant. How could she designate their misfortune as a "bad joke"?
Jin Ah swept her hair back and sighed, she didn't want to make a scene. Her lips were swollen with anger and her eyes were almost piercing.

- But then you can talk to him! Said Yoo Jin with an ounce of hope.

The lady shook her head.

- Then report him to the police! Barked Jin Ah.

Against all odds, Mrs. Gong Eun Seok got up, arranged her jacket and emptied the rest of her cup in one shot. Fear mixed with a few drops of disappointment were reflected in her eyes. She couldn't imagine her husband going behind bars, but she could even less conceive in a face-to-face with him.

- No, no, no, no. This is not good. I don't want to have any more relation with this man.

She headed for the exit.

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