IV - The bad mood

Start from the beginning

- How could we not realize he was a con man...? Bo Hwa thought out loud.

- It's just... There was no way it wasn't him! He arrived at the meeting café, with the right address in the papers... he knew everything! Yoo Jin stammered. It was almost impossible to know that he was fooling us!

- But we should have understood, said Jin Ah, crossing her arms to try to warm herself up a little.

- We couldn't guess, he even gave us the right key, this fool... People like him disgusts me, Mi So said, frowning. No, but really! How can he just take advantage of people, how can someone live by deceiving others...

- I know right... Yoo Jin nodded with a tear in her eye. Imagine if the landlady kicked us out. We're going to be on the street! And we won't even have enough to go home...

Mi So approached her friend, took her in her arms and patted her back. She too felt bad, outraged and angry. Unlike the other three, school had taken most of her time. She had helped to give her pocket money weekly, but that was all she had to offer. And when she thought about everything her friends had missed, her heart was tightened. Bo Hwa had always been content to admire the new sneakers of her favorite brand; she loved to imagine dancing with them but never complained about her worn shoes. Yoo Jin no longer updated her wardrobe as often and had even had to limit her dates. As for Jin Ah, she almost never went out with her old friends from college and was content to learn new recipes from her mother's old books.
But neither can we live by doubting everything and everyone....

- It's true that it's weird, but still. He scams us but he gives us the right key, we settle in comfortably and then we are told that we have been fooled! It's the strangest thing, though... Bo Hwa said, angrily.

- ...Maybe we could ask the owner for help, right? Chances are she knows who did it. Mi So said once her hug with Yoo Jin is over.

- I hope so, yes. Jin Ah said in a trembling voice, she could not bear to see one of her best friends crying.

They finally arrived at the entrance, their stomach completely tied.

- We have to find this man, replied Jin Ah, handing her purse to the 1.80m bodybuilder that was blocking the way. And we need to get our money back.

Mi So and Bo Hwa imitated her while Yoo Jin presented their tickets to the other skinny guy at the cash register. He punched the four tickets, returned them to Yoo Jin and wished them a pleasant concert. She smiled back at him and quickly gave her bag to the guard.

- The pit is the second door on the left. He announced, pointing to a distant point in the hall.

- Thank you, they all said with a little bowing.

* * *

- Boys, are you ready? the manager asked, stressed out. You're already supposed to be on standby !

The manager was running all over the dressing room. He would take a bottle of water on the left and then go to the right to drink it. He would step over glittery jackets and make-up brushes to reach a chair and then suddenly get up to put his bottle on one of the tables full of accessories. He would then sit in front of one of the mirrors lit by pretty round golden bulbs and recite some kind of incomprehensible mantra to try to calm himself.

- Oh my God, are the boys already wearing makeup? He suddenly asked as he waved his hands in front of his face to ventilate himself.

- Yes, said someone. Manager Kim, please relieve some stress! This is not your very first concert, though.

The make-up artists had finished a long time ago and the result was splendid. The boys out of habit were a little less stressed. They were all sitting on a couch waiting for the show to start, except for Jungkook. He would reread his lyrics on his phone while humming and dancing. He would be careful not to move too much so as not to ruin his makeup and would encourage others to get up as if he was the host of an event.

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