"Damn it, Aaryan! You scared the crap out of me," I scowled placing a hand on my chest. Aaryan just smirked, approached the table and inspected the flowers.

"Hmmm... This  looks expensive. कहाँ से चुराया?" Aaryan asked. I rolled my eyes but said nothing. Aaryan plucked out the card with his free hand. (Where did you steal these from?)


"Aaryan, give it back," I said while reaching for the note. Aaryan put his other hand on my shoulder, pushing me back and dramatically started to read the note out loud.

"Lioness, I am sorry..." His head whipped towards me. He suddenly stopped reading and looked at me with raised eyebrows. Pulling back he read the note quietly. Once he was finished, he held the note out between two of his fingers and tilted his head to the side. Though he was frowning, the corners of his lips were up.

"What is this?" He asked softly. I snatched the card from his hands.

"An apology," I said tersely

"And a date."

"It's not a date. It's just lunch between friends."

"Who apparently have nicknames for each other, send each other expensive as shit flowers and ask them out on dates"

"It's not a date" Aaryan definitely didn't believe that. He studied me from head-to-toe with a grim look on his face like a doctor looking for symptoms.

"मोटी, क्या छुपा रही है तू मुझसे?" Aaryan asked finally. (Fatty, what are you hiding from me?)

"Nothing," I said sitting on a chair in front of my desk.

"Who is he? How long have you known each other? Why is he apologizing? Did you say yes?" Aaryan questioned dropping into the chair beside me.

"Why so many questions?" I asked scowling.

"You are the annoying sister that I wished I had. I would like to know the guy you are dating," he replied.

"I am not your sister and I am not dating him," I said exasperated.

"You tie me rakhi. And who is this guy?" Aaryan asked waving his hand dismissively. "Now, who is he and why is he sorry?"

I huffed. "Fine. Veer is being apologising for being an ass to me three days ago when I was at the Maurya House for th-"

"Hold up." Aaryan sat straight in his chair. "A Veer? In The Maurya House? Is this Veer the same Veer that I am thinking about,"


"You are dating Veer Maurya?" He asked, wide eyed.

I huffed, "No, I am not dating him. I am just meeting him for lunch."

"Okay," Aryan said slowly, "What's he apologising for again?

"For being rude to me at a meeting three days ago." I said leaning back in my chair.

"And the nickname?" He asked. I bit my lip. Aaryan and I knew each other secretes. He had told me about Anjali since the beginning. Should I? I think I should. It's not like it's anything scandalous. I huffed. Alright.

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