#69 Part 2

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You two stood beside each other while others looked upon you as they sat on the floor, he smiled nervously and ran his finger through his hair quickly and began to speak " I just wanna say happy holidays to everyone and I wanna announce something to you all even though I know it's probably obvious" he said and everyone cheered and clapped before he got to the good part "so obviously i really like (Y/N)" he gestured towards you with a smile " and I brought her a gift that hopefully she'll like" he looked towards you and you felt calm and you naturally smiled, "anyways thats it, i-i guess I just wanted to be honest with you guys" he said and gave you a hug that was so warm and tight which made you forget where you were.

An hour later the white elephant game was over, there were only three raisin cookies left and two friends were already gone, the party was ending and everyone was cleaning up with music to dance to also. You ended up being able to keep three gold bracelets from the white elephant game. You finished sweeping and went over to your crush and hugged him, he had no clue why you were hugging him but he took you in his arms " Thanks for today" you said smiling into his chest "No problem, I have your gift over on the table don't forget to grab it" He said as you let go and stood in front of each other with matching energies and glowing vibes. "Oh yeah, I'll go open it now" you grabbed the present and took a seat at a round table with him "I hope you like it" he smiled
You began to take the wrapping out the red Christmas bag and laying it on the table. You held a white Pandora box in your hand and lifted the lid, there was a gold necklace that read your name and the gold was shining, you looked up at him and gave him a tight hug " it's beautiful thank you so much " you hugged him tightly " here let me put it on for you" you turned and lifted your hair and his hands touched your skin and made you shiver but you maintained the shake, you felt the necklace around your neck and before your hair fell down around your shoulders his lips touched the back of your neck for a quick second leaving it cold when his lips left, you turned to look him In the eyes and smiled "we should finish cleaning" he said and you nodded completely stunned....

!! Merry Christmas and happy new years

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