**requested* #46

712 9 4

You were hanging out with your boyfriend Andy, you layed on the blanket he brought for you, you were in the park watching a movie, even though he payed attention to you instead of the movie

¨Andy¨You said, he layed next to  you shoulder to shoulder ¨Yes?¨ He said in his sexy accent 

¨I love you¨You admitted, he rolled to his side and smiled at you ¨I love you alot¨Ḧe said

¨ï love you more¨
after confessing love to each other, you started making out with each other, you got reported to security and sent out the park, the date was ruined but him being a gentleman he took you to his step dads beach house, he wasnt home so he took you to the balcony and the lights were pretty, ¨You are beautiful¨He said

¨Thank you,handsome¨Your lips found his and you both layed on the sand, letting sand trickle through your fingers, ¨Arianna, I love you so much!¨ḧe stared into the sky

¨Show me.¨you said

he rolled on his side, and let him self and on top of you, kissing your cheek, forehead and then lips. Soon got weird

LOL, I TRIED to insert image of beach sand but nope almost lots whole story but here is a request from Arianna

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