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It was Thursday afternoon, it was game day baby, today you had a basketball game after school and you were excited and ready because you feel like your team would win today. Your team was very enthusiastic and very nice and comfortable to get around,  with so when the clock hit 3 p.m. you got your things from your locker and headed towards the gymnasium in which you had to get in your uniform and do a quick practice round to the other school team got there.
After practicing for a little bit and exercising and stretching you and your team got to chill out as students from your school piled into the gym sitting on the bleachers, you even saw your crush, you and him  small talk sometimes and he told you he was coming today so you were kind of nervous to play in front of him but you thought maybe it'll be okay.
As people formed into the gym making it more harder and made you more nervous you begin to stretch a little as other girls did the same. After a couple of minutes the game begin and you pull your best effort to make the Hoops dribble correctly, run fast enough, and when the game, and yet you accomplished your goal of successfully winning for your team-mates so afterwards they picked you up and held you in the air shouting your name, place to down and gave you a hug afterwards and then everyone began to come down from the bleachers congratulating school team and your crush immediately came to you smiling and clapping a little, but you being your nervous self instead of saying anyting else while he approached you you said "Hi"

"Hey congratulations on the win you were awesome out there." He smiled genuinely
"Thank you I tried my best!" You beamed
"So I was wo-"
"HEY!" One of your teammates yelled across them gym trying to get your attention, then she jogged towards you slightly out of breath " h-hey,  the team is going to celebrate do you want to come to pizza palace with us?"
"Uhh su-"

"In fact,I think she's going with me. You'll have to get her next time." Your crush said
You turn to him slightly confused as you raised your eyebrow, he smiled at you confidently as your teammate jogged away to join the rest of the team. " So I was wondering do you want to go get ice cream with me or something?" He asked,  his eyes showing is mood in which was confident yet a little desperate.
"Wha- Yes yes!" You said with joy as he draped his arm around your shoulder walking you out the gymnasium doors and on to his bike, "Wait! Can we do this later today I have to take a shower and get my clothes so how about in an hour we go? "

"I'm sweaty " you added

"Ohh, yea yea sure!" He said then continue onto his bike as you walk back into the gym heading towards the locker room, you took a shower, and change into your clothes that you bought, and then you headed home to get in better clothes and do your makeup and maybe even complete a little homework. 45 minutes later you decided to start heading out the door with your bike will you remember that you don't know what place he was going to take you to, so you decided to call him when you got his number earlier and he gave you the address, minutes later you met up on a bike and into the cold ice cream shop the displayed a big chalkboard sign that have prices and ice creams then on the counter below where the ice cream flavors, moose tracks, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and and much more that looked yummy.  there was one teenager cashier and the rest of the shop was empty, cuz he let you order first he appeared at the chalkboard sign thinking about what to get. He bought your ice cream for you, then you guys sit down at a booth which was cold.
He held your hand which felt like paradise he licked his finger then rubbed it on your face trying to get ice cream off of around your mouth and he even placed his arm around you, you felt in heaven. "In case you havent  figured it out, after all of this I've built up the courage... t-to tell you that I really really really lik-like you..." he said in a low tone as if he was going to get declined or turned down. " you smiled and took the tip of your ice cream cone and smudged it a little on his lips so they were white "I really like you too (C/N)" his face showed relief as he hugged you from the side then he licked your ice cream and you reached over and took a lick from his Strawberry ice cream almost making it fall from its cone, you rested your head on his shoulder as you both laugheda nd ate your ice cream cones which were too cold for your teeth....
"I like you.." he said kissing your forehead

Crush imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora