#50 *Requested*

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Your hand stretched trying to protect your face, you knew if he hit you, you would be asked so many questions about what's going on, you felt a sharp pain in your stomach and a cough lunged from my mouth ¨You stupid piece of shit!¨He kicked you once more, you laid on the floor in your bedroom, holding your stomach in pain, you heard the room door close and  laid there, your eyes closed and tears stung your eyes. Your phone rang and you let it ring before you reached for it on your bed, ¨Hello?¨I tried to sound casual and not beaten to death by my own boyfriend
¨(Y/N) You okay?¨Your best friend and crush asked, he didn't know you liked him, you couldn't even be with him, if your boyfriend knew he´d beat you more ¨Yes i'm fine.¨You lied, you had to lie, you didn't like it though ¨Great, I was at the store and seen a bear, it's the last one, you want it?¨He asked, this is why you like him, he gets you things randomly and he's super sweet , ¨Yes pl-¨You went quiet when you heard footsteps, you sat up slowly trying to ease the pain ¨ I have to go, bye¨You hung up quickly and the door cracked open ¨Did you drink my beer?¨Your dad asked, his voice sounded drunk and stubborn ¨No, maybe my boyfriend did.¨You suggested, instead of him walking away, he stood in the doorway for a moment then entered and closed the door ¨Get up¨He said demandingly, he took his fist above his head and hit you, hard! You screamed then blacked out. Waking up and getting ready for school was hard, your stomach didn't hurt much but when bending it hurted, you had to go to school quietly not to wake your dad, your best friend waited in his car, you smiled, this time because of him ¨Hey princess ¨He smiled, you both call each others name, you both loved each other a lot, you were together since birth. ¨Wassup hottie?¨ You smiled, he drove to school and opened the door for you, you seen your boyfriend across the parking lot on his bike, you saw a blonde too, she looked familiar, if you said anything he would beat you when he got you alone, you made it to class and took notes, class by class was boring and sometimes your stomach gave pain. You were walking to your locker, the hall was empty and you were about to be late for class, moaning occurred you peeked in the janitor's closet and, your boyfriend! And your bully were kissing, his shirt was off and her legs were wrapped around him, his hands felt down her back ¨What the hell?!¨ You practically yelled, she looked at you, he did too and he didn't even care ¨Get out!!¨She yelled, you quickly closed the door hurt, you had to cover up the pain and you ran off to class…... It was lunch time, you got your salad and sat at the table with your best friend, he smiled ¨Hey there love, how your classes go?¨He asked
¨Boring and l-¨
¨Hey you!¨ attention was pulled to her again, she walked to you with a pitch of water ¨Listen up!¨She yelled and everyone did, she´s like queen bee, she smiled and stood behind you, soon cold liquid ran from your hair and down to your shirt, you felt chills and you shook because of the water, she laughed and announced ¨And that's what people like her! Get!¨She yelled, you stared at your best friend, he looked shocked and concerned, he was frozen just like you were,  this was embarrassing, you got up and water ran to the floor then you flew out the cafeteria, you could hear him calling your name and his footsteps too! You ran to the bathroom and stood in front of a mirror, you was soaked, the bathroom door busted open and he stopped when he saw you, he comforted you and he held you and  looked into your eyes ¨You're beautiful¨He said, he grabbed both of your hands and he let you hug him, his clothes getting damp, he didn't care ¨Youre my bestfriend”You mumbled ¨And i love you, not as a best friend but i honestly really love you, so much!¨He said, you smiled to yourself ¨I love you too!¨You admitted hugging him, his hand rubbed through your hair ¨I love you¨He said again in a whisper. He pulled away and you had to tell him, you lifted your shirt and almost a shoe print appeared on your stomach, he looked confused then seen it, his face pinched in worry "god! What happened?" He asked, you cried and stared at your feet "He-He beat me!" you said
"Who baby? Who?!" He sounded mad, he touched your stomach briefly "does it hurt?" He asked
"My dad, my ex....they hurt me!" You cried, his jaw tensed "But please! Dont beat them up." you didnt want him to go to jail "You need to tell the police!" he explained
"I will," You nodded and started crying, his anger look turned soft and open, he hugged you then kissed your cheek, neck, below your ear and then your lips, he was gentle and slow "I" He kissed once
"Love" he did it again
"You" he kissed you
"I will never ever hurt you" He was honest with you, you loved that, he took things slow, he pulled your shirt down and kissed under your ear "Let me know when I should stop" You were against a wall and he kissed you on your lips, he wasn't rough and sloppy, he held you firmly and you loved it. Moments after breathing in each others space you felt stciky and tugged on your shirt "I  need a shirt" You asked, he looked down as if he didn't notice you were all wet, he nodded and told you to wait when he ran quickly to his locker he came back and you already took off your shirt not embarrassed at all, he gave you his shirt and you put it on it was big on you but you liked it because it was warm which felt good. "Thank you my prince" You smiled, "You're welcome princess" he took your wet shirt and threw it "That shirt is bad memories" He joked

I was happy to write this for you, please enjoy, if you want me to correct anything or add anything feel free to comment
Please vote and have good day.  。^‿^。

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