#9 (Not mine)

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Your history teacher had promised you extra credit and that wasn’t the only plus of tutoring your crush. He was tall, strong, and down to earth, he was nice, handsome, and every girl’s dream. Including yours. You had set up your bedroom floor with your laptop, some history books and your binder. He should be here any minute.

Your parents were out of town this weekend, so when he had texted you asking when and where to meet up, you offered your house. Your brother was away at college, so it would be just you two.

The doorbell rang, and you ran downstairs, and fixed your hair before opening it.

You swung the door open, “Hey!” you said with a smile.

He looked up and smiled, “Hey.” It was that dreamy smile that he should have been famous for.

“Here, come in, I set some books out in my room.” you stepped aside and let him in.

And then he was in your house. Your house looked fine, but now you were getting knit picky with yourself. Was your outfit okay? You’d put on some skinnies, with a plaid flannel and a black camisole. And some big wool socks. Always big socks.

“I like your flannel.” (y/c/n) said as he took his jacket off to reveal his own flannel.

This made you smile. The unexpected twin moment made you happy. He made you happy.

You walked up the stairs to your room, and he followed. When you opened the door, you took a spot on the floor, and he sat next to you.

Soon enough you were entranced by your favorite subject, and your favorite person.

He was picking up on the material really quickly.

“You’re doing really good, are you sure you need help?” you joked.

“You know, I actually haven’t been honest with you.” he said, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

“How’s that?” you asked.

“I’m not bad at History.” he said.

“Whaaa? Then why did you have me tutor you?” you asked.

“Because I wanted to get to know you better.” he said. “I like you.”

“Oh.” you smiled down at the floor, and blushed.

“Yeah, I like you, (y/n).” he repeated.

“I like you too.” you said.

“Well in that case…” he trailed, as he leaned in. He moved your hair back and gently kissed your lips, but he didn’t stop there, he kept going. He kissed the corner of your mouth, then your cheek, your jawbone, then he worked his way down your neck to your collarbone.

You moved your hands to his head, and gasped a little when he bit down on your soft skin. He started sucking and biting as he went along. But then he paused and leaned back to look at you.

“Will you be my girl?” he asked, with a smirk.

You smiled, “Yes.”

“Then I’m going to make sure everyone knows it.” he said. And then his eyes dilated before he went back to his work.

Not mine just thought I'd share it


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