#40 Requested

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School started yesterday, so it's the 2nd day of hell, its been going okay, you get teased a lot, not by bullies, but by your friends, they arent being mean but they know you Bryce and he doesnt seem to like you, he flirts every girl BUT you! which sucks, today you wasn't going to let that bother you today, when you got dropped off for school you headed to your home room and greeted your friends ¨Hey" She said nudging your shoulder to Bryce who currently just walked in the room, you shook your head and got out your homework assignment, as the teacher came in and Bryce sat in his normal spot, Behind you....You heard whispering then a giggle, you slightly turned to see a blonde girl handing a note to Bryce, you tried your best not to jump on her face, your eyes almost let a tear drop, you sat up ready to learn "we are having groups of three today, so ill call them out!¨ Everyone growled in annoyance as she called out names  ¨And finally Bryce, Carissa and Heather."She stated

You almost screamed, really? it had to be heather? the same girl he flirted with yesterday, everyone got up and got into their groups ¨good luck¨ your friend whispered why as you left, you sat on the edge of your seat trying not to get close to Heather and her way too much perfume, ¨Your smile is beautiful.¨ He said, you snapped up realizing he was talking to Heather

¨so why are we in these groups?¨ Someone shouted

¨Let me finish! Now in these groups i assigned one boy and two girls or one girl  and two boys, talk about how we as humans connect with each other"She announced

¨So, what do you think Carissa?¨ He asked, before you spoke ¨Well, I think.........¨ bla blah blah Heather, you remained silent trying to cool down from slapping her. After annoying giggles from Heather and flirty comments from Bryce, that class was over, lunch rolled around you sat at your normal table, but who was there? Bryce

¨Hi¨ I said awkwardly as i sat down ¨Hey, ima chill at your table today."He stated

you nodded and awkwardly bit your sandwich as your friend joined at your table with a confused look,  you shurgged then seconds later

¨So, Carissa.¨ He said

¨yes?¨  ¨im sorry, i was kinda flirting in front of you.¨ He said starring at his uneaten fries.

¨why sorry?  It....it um doesnt bother me.¨You lied

¨Carissa I know you like me, your friend told me.¨

Your eyes went wide as day and you snapped to your friend she gave that 'opps' look then slowly shoved a half eaten fry in her mouth, You shouted her name, and she quickly grabbed her tray, stil shoving fries in her mouth, she  got up and ran off, you sighed and turned back to him

¨Yes, i do like you."You admitted

¨Good, because this is a PRANK!!" everyone in the cafeteria started yelling and shouting 

¨I told you, she liked you!¨ Bryce handed a guy 20 dollars, thatś when you felt beyond stupid, a tear rolled down your eye, you stood up, both hands mashed down on the table

¨SO I WAS YOUR BET???¨ You yelled, everyone quited down 

¨Sorry babe, thatś what bad boys like me do!"He smirked then walked off with his friends laughing 

You let all the tears, flow out you couldnt take it, you stomped bravely up to Bryce and slapped him, voiced got quiet as they heard the loud noise, ¨I HATE YOU, BRYCE!¨ his  smirk slipped off his face at those words, replaced with a frown , you ran out the cafeteria and cried under the staircase, sobbing 
¨Carissa?¨"A sweet voice sounded, it was the guidance counselor ¨I dont want to talk about! leave me alone,¨ you sobbed

¨Bryce has something to say¨She said

¨ Idf i wont come out for you, what the hell makes you think ill come out for him??¨ You snapped

She called your name again trying t get you to listen, yuou said nothing, just formed your face into your knees, rocking back and fourth, you heard a male voice whisper ¨If she isnt going to talk, tell her im sorry, tweenies¨ When his voiced said the first tw- you jumped up bumping your head

¨Ah,"you rubbed your head 

¨Carissa?!?¨ She helped you from the stair case


It was when you and Bryce were bestfriends, or at least friends, when he wasnt a bad boy, you were young, you guys made up a word to remember each other, Tweenies.

We were tiny and we were and we were gonna be teens, Tweenies. That word was strong it was like the word love, something he meant, 

¨Bryce¨ You said before he was half way down the hall, his eyes light up when he saw you


He smiled, with his teeth this time, his real smile, the smile you liked, not the one where his lips stretched across his face and his teeth invisible to you, this was his real smile, he walked, then sped walked then began running to you, his arms formed a circle around your hips, he picked you up and spun you ¨Carissa i am so so so sorry!!!!!!¨Ḧe said the second he put you down

¨Sorry for?¨

¨Oh that! that's the pasts situation, not ours¨You joked, your hands formed a sandwich between his checks pulling him down to your level then leaned in, he immediately responded pulling you closer, The counselor  cleared her throat awkwardly, ¨sorry¨ you said pulling away

¨No go ahead¨ her arms crossed, when sat straight t on the other holding her head up, she tapped her foot starring down at the floor.

He kissed you, this time fully.........

Sorry, this kinda twisted into a false bestfriend friendship, i tried my best on this it was requested by 

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