*Requested* #44

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School has started back and new people have arrived, more geeks, jocks and of course....bullies, the sun woke you up by shining right through the window, you got up tiredly and did your normal routine, took a shower, brush your teeth, and put on your clothes for today and went to the bathroom to style your hair which is normally a messy bun on top of your head, you headed downstairs to have breakfast with your mom as usual and that is oatmeal or other egg sandwich.

"Good morning" She said sitting a glass of orange juice in front of you
"Morning" You pulled a fake smiled on after your voice sounded sloppy and weak
"You okay?"she asked, well the smile didnt help...

"Yeah im fine mom" You smiled and took a bite of your egg sandwich

She smiled then sat next to you, "How is school?" She asked

"Its alright, i have a crush on this guy but i dont want to talk about it."

"Mmmm..nice " She smiled
You knew you regretted telling her because she gave that embarrassing mom smile.

She dropped you off at school after pulling off, you sighed and tried not to be 'too pretty'
You approached your locker and as soon as you opened it, it was slammed and you encountered her.....
"You just cant stop...?" She shook her head

"Look at you, stop being pretty! Its fucking annoying !!" she pushed your shoulders causing them to shove against the locker

She laugjed then kicked your ankle, walking away this was gonna be a normal thing for you, since she bullies you almost everyday, no one was going to stand up for you so you had to get used to it.

Later after 2 classes and speaking to your crush, Zack.
Lunch rolled around and you went in line and you were starving so you took a bite of your food in line
"Fat ass pig" a  voice with her behind you, you didn't even know she was behind you.

You stopped eating and sat at the table you usually sat at which was with Zack and some of his friends
"Hey Melinda." He smiled
"Hi zack" You took a bite of your food

"Haha you look hungry " He laughed
"I am"You giggled back

"Hey can i talk to you Melinda?' she just wouldn't leave you alone, you stood unsurely up and walked a few feet away,  you hope that she was going to talk to you and apologized for what she has done but instead she quickly slapped your food out your hand and kicked it to the side, you wanted to stand up for yourself so bad but not any word formed out your mouth, you sat down almost immediately at your table
"Hey where's your fo-"

You burst out into tears you knew she wasn't going to stop ,your head was held down but you were immediately comforted by Zack
"Melinda! Whats wrong? What happend" you couldn't speak just keep sobbing soon enough the hands that comfort you were gone and you turn quickly to see Zack stomping up to your bully "Ay! What the fuck? Leave her alone! " Zack practically yelled

"Or what?" She stood up
"You actually like that whore?" She added

"Chill the hell out dude!" He almost was about to punch her by the way his fist balled up
"Zack! No." You ran up to him

The whole cafeteria was watching it was like a movie scene that wasn't really great maybe after all  someone would stand up for you.

After settling the situation with the bully, Zack  gave you his sandwich and you enjoyed it, the girl ended up in detention and was suspended for three days until her parents came in to discuss with her about her anger issues.
the next days were really great you weren't getting bullied and you had so much fun with Zack, Friday approached and you came clean about your crush on Zack,  instead of him turning you down, he admitted he liked you too and you guys eventually begin dating.

Phew two images done in one day on my phone that's hard, imagine was was requested by @R5Directioners

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