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Monday, the worst day of the week says society.

Especially school Mondays. You were dressed for school in and you were satisfied with how you look, your teeth had been brushed, hair had been combed and you were to walk the brightly lit halls, smile at people in hope of a satisfied greeting. You made it to school and knew something felt weird, the vibe of the people, the way people stare at you more often that usual. You finally made it to your destination class and   your friends face was glowing more to than usual, her smile was bright and she seemed excited " Heyyyy' she said and you returned the greeting
"Soooo, I know you been online, have you seen it? What are you gonna say?" You obviously have no idea what she's talking about. "What?" You ask in curiousity as the class begin to fill and the room began to get louder with voices of laughter in their small friend groups, the bell hasn't rang yet. " (C/N) Posted you on his story, you didn't see it? I forgot what it said but it was cute, he low-key asked you out but it was in a shy way, he posted a video on his story" she explained pulling her phone out and scrolling, your heart raced and your mind instantly found a time to when you were gonna see him today. At lunch or on the halls. You pulled your phone out too as she scrolled down her story feed " wow, I didn't know...what did he say??? " You asked excited but your face was very unreadable " you okay? You not excited?" She asked
"YES, I'm actually great" you said right when the teacher began to enter the room and instantly quieting the class down, you gave a smile to your friend then turned to face the teacher in your seat.

Lunch rolled around, cafeteria was loud, food smelled decent, friend by your side. "There he is" she practically whispered
You followed her gaze, he stood in the lunch line " I'll get lunch first" you said and she followed.

You had lunch, he came over and smiled " hey" he said with a smile and he clearly seemed nervous " Heyy, what's up ? Sit down" you said and he sat next to you.
" I'm sure you saw my story" he said aloud
You nodded eating a French fry " yes, y-, I li-"

"It's not what you think though, i-i didn't really mean to put that the- " he stuttered for a moment
" It was a dare" he said then slowly turned to leave but didn't " can I talk to you after school?" He asked as people walking by who knew the video gave laughs and chuckles
" It- the video was fake??" You asked finding it hard to swallow your food
"No,no it's just hard to explain" he said his eyes were......

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