#65 (Requested)

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requested by TabbyR_TabbyL sorry if itsucks I hope you like it tbh....thanksss!!

The sun gleamed precariously
as our footsteps landed onto the big yellow bus with each of our shoes landing  and crunched orange Cheetos , mystery food  and dirt as we walked down the aisle, the bus was almost full, the loud laughter of kids and the wave of the sun in my (Teresa) eyes as i passed each window until i found the perfect seat, right next to my crush, Ben, he was honestly so cute, even when sweat was on his forehead, it made his green eyes sparkle, before i knew it, everyone was on the bus and we made our way to the art museum.

When we finally made it into the building where the cool air pressed our skins, "Lets go this way, where the man paintings are." Ben said, we split from the group and he led me to a room with a sign on top of the double door saying Men In History, "Look its Ecce Homo" he said, "ive always wondered what mother would name their child that" You said smiling, "Apparently not a good one" He joked back letting his smile take over his face "You're so cute " You blurted out, he laughed at your subtle style "yeah?, well you are too." he said

"let's go check out the flower paintings they made"he said

You were now in a different room with people that you ignored because all you could do was focus on him "look, they painted  a sunflower, I could never be that talented" He pointed to one he thought youd like "that's cute, they used the wrong brown though" you stated

"and look, I'm gonna show you where you land in this hall of whimsical paintings" he joked around stepping till he stopped where a painting of a bright red rose was, it had a green stem and no broken pedals, a beautiful background of yellow sunflowers with bees on them with one rose standing out, and apart "this is you" he said smiling "you're a rose"

you blushed, something you couldn't hold back, something you knew would happen because you're totally all for this guy "you're my rose" he stated. you now had a huge smile on your face and feel the need to hid it because of your shyness but instead said "Aww.. thank you Ben" you said

"I havent told you this before but...." he started off getting closer to you, he stood by your side, you both were now shoulder by shoulder and he wrapped his right arm around you holding you gently "I 99.9% like you, and I think you're really pretty and super smart and that brown hair on your head matches mine.." he whispered to you

"you can't tell me that isnt a sign we are meant to be" He said

You laughed then said back
"Its definitely a sign, I think so too" You smile

Your heart was racing at his touch and your face felt hot and you knew it glowed like a tomato because of how close he was.

He kissed your cheek "C'mon lets check out the greek statues" he held your hand, it was so warm, so soft..it felt amazing you knew your crush liked you back, you completely forgot you were on a field trip when your pendeja teacher interrupted telling you to join with the group and so you did, you were now sitting side by side at the very back row of  a dark room where a museum staff was yapping on about famous women in the 1800's while your classmates sat in chairs in front of you, he held your hand and you laid your head on his shoulder completely zoning out the man who was talking and listened to each inhale Ben took in. "I think we should go out this Saturday." he whispered to you

"just me and you, wherever you wanna go" He stated

"Burgers and movies " you said

"pizza and picnic " you suggested

"Park and slushies" you suggested

"I honestly dont mind becuase I l-"

"HEY, shhhh.."your teacher sheparon said aloud

You and Ben looked each other in the eye and blurted a laugh....

Crush imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora