2.24 why is ultron always so damn poetic like no stop

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The only advice anybody can give is: if you want to be a writer, keep writing. And read all you can. Read everything. - Stan Lee

TONY STARK was in the air, looking at all the Sokovians who were being evacuated out of their homes by the Avengers and police officers. He saw Steve pointing cars into the right direction. He saw panicked people. He saw the red powers of Wanda floating through the city to make people leave their house.

'Your man's in the church, boss,' Friday told Tony. 'I think he's waiting for you.'

Tony flew to the church, landing in the building. He walked confidently to the center.

'Come to confess your sins?' the brunet heard Ultron's voice.

'I don't know,' Tony shrugged. 'How much time you got?'

'More than you.'

Tony turned around, seeing Ultron. He looked better for so far a metal suit can look "better". He looked stronger. 'Uh... Have you been juicing? Little vibranium cocktail? You're looking... I don't wanna say "puffy."'

'Your stalling to protect the people,' Ultron noticed.

'Well, that is the mission. Did you forget?' Tony tried to reason.

However, Ultron didn't listen. 'I've moved beyond your mission. I'm free.'

Then the ground split open. Tony got (figuratively) blown back a little. He stumbled backwards, looking at the weird metal that was rising up from the hole. It had a weird form and Tony was lost. What would he possibly be using this for? What did it do anyway? Why would he waste his vibranium on this?

'What?' Ultron got Tony's attention again. 'You think you were the only one stalling?'

Tony gave the unknown device another look, seeing in his helmet that it went more than 2000 feet down. Friday informed him about the metal thing. 'There's the rest of the vibranium. Function, still unclear.'

'This is how you end, Ton. This is peace in my time.'

Out of the blue suits came out of the water. A lot of chaos was going on. Screaming people, honking cars, shooting, crying. Everything. Tony looked up and activated his thrusters to fly up. He saw how the Vision took his place instead and started battling Ultron, putting his hands on Ultron's metal head.

'Friday, the Vision?' Tony asked.

'Boss, it's working,' Friday told the billionaire. 'He's burning Ultron out of the net. He won't escape through there.'

Then the ground started to form tears. It shook as if it was a really extreme earthquake. But an earthquake would be far too coincidentally to happen at this very moment. Then the ground started to shift. Upwards. Wait, what? Was this some kind of deleted scene from Up or something?

'Friday,' Tony said, hoping he saw it wrong.

But Friday didn't tell him wrong. 'Sokovia is going for a ride.'

While Tony started flying from a distance of the floating city, Ultron thought of this moment as a good time to hold a fucking speech for everyone. Not that everyone was currently panicking, crying and screaming or anything. God.

'Do you see the beauty of it? The inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal.'

'The vibranium core's got a magnetic field,' Friday ignored Ultron's heartwarming peptalk. 'That's what's keeping the rock together.'

'If it drops?'

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