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The time is always right to do what is right. - Martin Luther King Junior

STEVE ROGERS was in the aircraft, looking at the hysteria that was going on around the fancy German building. He knew Germany wasn't the enemy, but being in the European country, knowing he was about to fight as Captain America again, constantly made him forget that fact. It was Loki he had to fight. An extra terrestrial who used magic and could teleport. He was not fighting in the war anymore. 

'We're dropping you on this building, Cap. We can't get you any closer,' Agent Romanoff told Steve. The back hatch opened.

Steve only nodded, forgetting that the redhead couldn't see him from her seat. He grabbed his shield and jumped out of the aircraft. Gracefully he landed on the roof of the building he was dropped on. Silently, but quickly, he made his way down and closer to the crowd, where he decided to assess the situation before he would make any rash decisions. He looked at the tall man, trying to scan his appearance.

Loki wore golden clothes and golden antlers on his head. It all pointed towards his enormous ego, which his golden scepter complemented. He held it up and the car driving towards him got thrown over. The action made the people around him only scream louder and run faster. Steve could see the small smirk on his face, showing that he was satisfied by the chaos caused by him. It made him sick.

'Kneel before me,' Loki said with a surprisingly loud voice. Nobody listened, everyone was scared. For someone who wanted to rule humans, he didn't understand them very well.

'I said,' Loki continued. He put his scepter against the ground, causing people only to scream louder. 'KNEEL!'

Within one second, it was dead silent.

The people slowly began to kneel, one by one. They were all different, but at the moment they all had one thing in common. The fear of death. None of them knew their fates. This man could end them all with just the snap of his fingers and they all knew that. But they had children to take care of. Parents to go back to. Friends to waste time with. Today couldn't be the day they died, none of them had fulfilled their dreams yet.

'Is not this simpler?' Loki asked. Steve got the impression that Loki actually believed the fact that the humans needed him. Loki started making his way through the crowd of people, into Steve's direction. 'Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation.'

The people seemed affected by that, as if they genuinely started to believe Loki's words. Steve didn't, though. He fought for freedom once. Hell, he died for it. And he would do it all over again without a single doubt.

'The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power,' the Asgardian continued, probably not aware that those words weren't even used in Steve's youth, 'for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel.'

A brave man stood up.

'Not to men like you,' the man told Loki with the same face Steve had when he fought in the war.

'There are no men like me,' Loki responded, probably insulted by that comment.

'There are always men like you.'

It was true. There would always, always be people who would play gods. There would always be people who would think that they were the one who had the right to decide who lives and who dies. Maybe they did it because of the power they wanted to possess. Maybe because they thought they were going to save humanity. But, there would alway, always, be people who thought they had the right to end people's lives.

'Look to your elder, people,' Loki answered. He pointed his scepter at the brave man. Steve prepared himself to take action. 'Let him be an example.'

Steve jumped in front of the man at the same moment Loki shot an energy ball (he didn't know what it was, don't blame his poor naming skills) at them. The power bounced back, causing it to hit Loki instead of who fell backward. Steve stood up again, looking at the weakened Loki. Confidently he was walking over to the man. After all, he had done this all before. He, for once, had punched Hitler in the face at least seventy times.

'You know,' Steve started, walking over to the villain, 'the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing.'

Loki stood up, just like many others in the crowd now did.

'The soldier,' the Asgardian chuckled. He put the downside of his scepter on the ground. 'The man out of time.'

'I'm not the one who's out of time.'

Only now Loki seemed to notice the aircraft. A hatch opened, revealing a very big weapon.

'Loki, drop the weapon and stand down,' Agent Romanoff commanded on the PA. However, Loki didn't listen and shot a ball of energy at the aircraft which Natasha barely dodged.

Steve didn't hesitate and threw his shield at the villain who got hit and grunted. The hero ran towards Loki, grabbed his shield along the way and hit him in the face. Bad choice, it didn't even hurt him in the slightest and only angered him more. Loki slammed his scepter on Steve, but the blond protected himself with his shield. Loki hit him again and this time Steve got slammed away because of the impact of the hit.

Steve threw his shield again, but this time Loki saw it coming and slammed it to the side with his scepter, Steve instead went to Loki to punch him, but Loki dodged his fist. He swung his scepter, but Steve bent backward, Both the men grunted. Loki slammed his golden stick on the ground, because Steve had just stepped aside. Steve hit Loki back, but Loki hit Steve with his scepter, causing him to get slammed away again.

Loki walked over to Steve, pointing the downside of his scepter on the back of Steve's head. 'Kneel.'

Steve grabbed the end of his scepter, slamming it away and stood up. 'Not today!' he yelled, jumping and stretching his leg to kick Loki. The man groaned.

Back in the aircraft, Natasha was desperately trying to get a clear shot of Loki to finally shoot. She saw how Loki literally grabbed Captain Rogers and threw him away as if he weighed nothing. This was no fair fight. A god against a man with a shield. Rogers needed back up, but she couldn't give it to him, as she had no clear shot. If she were to shoot now, she could end up hurting Rogers instead of the Asgardian.

'This guy's all over the place,' the redhead mumbled irritated. She suddenly heard someone talking through her headphones.

'Agent Romanoff. You miss me?'

The PA system started playing rock music. Natasha sighed, but smiled slightly. This man always amazed her, because he never pretended. He wasn't a hero, he was just a selfish man who happened to save people for a job. He wasn't a saint, he was just someone who tried to make up for his mistakes in the past. Just like her.

Back on the ground again, Steve was still lying on the ground, preparing to get hit by Loki, but Loki didn't move. He just stared to the sky. The next thing Steve saw, was Loki getting hit by some big laser, causing him to fall backward. Then Iron Man, also known as Tony Stark, landed. He pointed his fist at Loki, weapons coming out of his shoulders and wrists.

'Make your move, Reindeer Games,' a surprisingly pleasant voice said. Steve stood up and took his place next to Iron Man.

Loki made the gold in his outfit disappear and put his hands in the air. Tony retreated his weapons and stood in a more natural position.

'Good move,' Tony said.

Steve tried to steady his breathing. 'Mr. Stark.'


And God, how much Steve hated that voice. It made him want to hear it many times more.

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