1.12 here i put a pun

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I didn't know how much love I had in me. It's overwhelming. - Katie Holmes

TONY STARK went back to work. 'That's the guy my dad never shut up about?' he asked, pretending as if he still thought Steve disagreed with them and if he didn't just see Steve walking another way. 'I'm wondering if they shouldn't have kept him on ice.'

'Huh. And here I thought you were silently flirting,' Bruce commented.

Tony walked to a screen nearby Bruce and typed things again. 'Meh, he has to sort his priorities. I can imagine it's hard to skip seven decades, but he shouldn't be this naive.'

'Everyone has flaws,' Bruce told the billionaire while he swiped something to Tony's screen. 'This flaw isn't even a bad one.'

'I don't care about people's flaws.'

'You should. Those little things make someone who they are. You just have to, you know, don't mind them.'

Tony shook his head. 'I don't mind his flaws,' Tony told the doctor. 'But we're just a little flirting every now and then, it's not as if we like each other.'

Bruce walked over to Tony, looking through the half transparant screen.

'Have you noticed the way he has a wall around himself and is as serious possible?' Bruce asked Tony.

And that was true. Steve was as serious as could be. He never cracked a joke, never actually laughed, he was always busy with the mission... It made Tony wonder. Would he also have been like this in the war? Or before it? What was he like back then? Was he also this, you know, good, or did he also have a dark side?

'You'd be blind not to,' Tony chuckled eventually.

Bruce sighed, thinking of a good way to say what he wanted to say. 'When he sees you, it's just, I don't know, different.'

'And,' Tony responded. 'that's a good thing how exactly?'

'His eyes light up, he smiles. He just seems a little happier.'

Tony now looked up and stopped tapping things on the screen. 'How come you see this and I can't?' Tony asked curiously.

'Because you look for the details,' Bruce smiled softly. 'But, Tony, it's far too obvious for you to see it.'

Bruce walked back to his own screen and started to work. Tony took that as a sign to start working too. He tapped things again. 'If it's that obvious, I would've noticed it myself,' he softly murmured.

Bruce heard him. 'And you will. Just give it some time.'

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