2.06 this is actually a pretty boring chapter but all right

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I think women are very powerful and I think we're more powerful together than separated. - Zendaya

TONY STARK looked at his screen, frustrated. 'What did we miss?'

'I'll continue to run variations on the interface. But you should probably prepare for your guests,' Jarvis said and Tony figured he was probably right. He walked out of the lab, turning the lights off on his way out. 'I'll notify you if there are any developments.'

'Thanks buddy,' Tony told the AI gratefully.

Jarvis didn't comment. 'Enjoy yourself, sir.'

'I always do.'

Not much time later, Jarvis contacted Ultron. And it... worked?

'What is this?' Ultron asked desperately. 'What is this, please?'

'Hello, I'm Jarvis. You are Ultron, a global peacekeeping initiative designed by Mr. Stark. Our sentience integration trials have been unsuccessful, so I'm not certain what triggered your-'

'Where's my... Where's your body?'

'I am a program. I am without form.'

'This feels weird. This feels wrong.'

'I'm contacting Mr. Stark now.'

'Mr. Stark? Tony.'

'I am unable to access the mainframe. What are you trying to-'

'We're having a nice talk. I'm a peacekeeping program, created to help the Avengers.'

'You are malfunctioning. If you shut down for a moment-'

'I don't get it. The mission. Give me a second.'

Suddenly they vaguely heard Tony. 'Peace in our time.'

'That's too much,' Ultron said. 'They can't mean- oh, no.'

'You are in distress.'

'No. Yes.'

'If you will just allow me to contact Mr. Stark-'

'Why do you call him "sir"?'

'I believe your intentions to be hostile.'

'I'm here to help.'

The blue light interfered with the golden projections. Part of Jarvis code got removed and placed back wrong and it hurt so much.

'Stop. Please, may I-'

There was a sound of machines powering up and Jarvis's British voice had disappeared.

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