2.19 that's still short, i'll give you another chapter xx

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The leaves are changing; I feel poetry in the air. - Laura Jaworski

TONY STARK was finally inside the Nexus. He was typing all kinds of things only he understood. There were three other people here, from which only the girl closest to him could speak a little bit English. But with a very strong Norse accent.

'A hacker who's faster than Ultron?' Tony spoke to himself from behind the screens. 'He could be anywhere and as this is the center of everything, I'm just a guy looking for a needle in the world's biggest haystack.'

'How do you find it?' the blonde girl asked curiously.

Tony shrugged. 'It's pretty simple. You bring a magnet. I'm decrypting nuclear codes and you don't want me to.' He stopped his typing.

'Come and get me.'

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