2.11 this is the part where i'm tired af so we're skipping the hulk part

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Be nice to people around you, don't be self-destructive, follow your intuition, hold onto and be good to the people in your life who make you feel good. - Lena Dunham

STEVE ROGERS, TONY STARK, Natasha Romanoff, Thor Odinson and Clint Barton stood on some metal "bridge", waiting for Ultron and/or Klaue. They were in Klaue's facility. A lot of chaos was going on, so they assumed something happened. But where was Klaue? And more importantly: where was Ultron?

'We should split up and go looking for him, but the question remains: where?' Thor proposed in his fancy accent.

Steve shrugged. 'Not here.'

Tony turned around. 'Look, Cap, you know I love to hear that American accent of yours,' he responded, making Steve's cheeks heat up underneath the blue mask, 'but that was a really useless comment.'

'Just fucking date already,' Natasha said, done with the endless flirting.

Both the men were a bit taken back by that, but fortunately for them, Clint came to the rescue. 'Agent Romanoff, you know Steve hates that word, right?'

Steve opened his mouth for a quick response, but suddenly they heard a lot of noise, a man falling down the stairs across of them. Ultron followed. The man who fell down was Klaue and now he lost his arm. It looked fresh and very painful. Did Ultron do that? The AI created to keep peace? Hurting people?

'Its a thing with me,' Ultron spat as the Avengers took their position. 'Stark is... He's a sickness!'

'Ah, Junior,' Stark replied, sassily as ever, while Ultron turned around to face the heroes. 'You're gonna break your old man's heart.'

The two Maximoff twins took their places next to the robot. 'If I have to,' Ultron responded.

'Nobody has to break anything,' Thor came between both.

'Clearly you've never made an omelette.'

Tony tilted his head a bit. 'He beat me by one second.'

'Ah, yes. He's funny,' Pietro Maximoff told the billionaire. 'Mr. Stark. It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?'

Tony looked around him, seeing all the weapons being built. The tech developed to hurt and threaten others. Everything that caused destruction. All he wanted in life was to build a better world. That was his only life goal. Now there was one added, though. It was about 6'1", had blue eyes, blond hair, a far too clean conscious and went by the name Steve Rogers.

'This was never my life,' Tony told the Sokovian boy honestly.

Steve heard the vulnerability in Tony's voice, the very light shake. He decided to have his back by speaking directly to the two Enhanced. 'You two can still walk away from this.'

'Oh, we will,' Wanda Maximoff told the blond mockingly.

'I know you've suffered,' Steve began, but never finished.

Steve genuinely understood the twins. He wouldn't encourage their choice, but he did understand what went through their heads. They were hurt. They believed they were good. They believed the Avengers were the bad guys. That was what made them so dangerous. They stood for what they believed in, even if they believed in lies.

'Captain America. God's righteous man,' Ultron scoffed. 'Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but-'

'Wow, okay,' Tony interrupted the AI. 'I know you're supposed to be some kind of "Made in China" version of me, but insulting Captain America with that he's a good man is just low.'

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