Chapter 27: World's 14 Greatest Heroes

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"Julianny, wake up. Hey, wake up, Sleepy-Head.", said Helena. "*Groans* Okay, okay. I'm up.", she found herself laying on the ground with the rest of her friends. "You know, guys. I just had the strangest dream. We met our favorite characters from our favorite T.V. shows. We have Quirks, and we fought a big boss villain.", her friends looked at her very confused, then they showed off their Quirks. "Does THIS look like a dream to you?", asked Rorey. "Wait, what?!", Julianny immediately looked at her Dream Journal, it wasn't a dream after all, "*chuckles* wow. This is unbelievable." "You're unbelievable, Julianny.", "no. WE'RE unbelievable." They all laugh together...

That's the story of how me and my friends became heroes. I know what you guys are thinking "how can super-powered children ever exist in this world?" Let me answer that for you... imagination. I, however, have the power to make my thoughts and dreams to life. Hence, my Quirk, Dream. And, I mean, who would've thought a 13-year-old like me would be able to lead such a team. It makes me feel like there's so much more to life than just being "normal". Either I was chosen, or maybe it was destiny. You know what, guys? I never would have known until now. Since my friends and I have powers now, we have huge responsibilities as vigilantes, or undercover heroes, if you know what I mean. Just to be frank here, guys, I haven't told my parents about me being a super hero. My friends haven't done that, either, We have our reasons. Just so we don't create world-wide panic.

So far, we've been doing this for about two weeks now. Oh, and here's the cool thing, guys. We have a secret lair under the school, and nobody else knows about it. Did I make that sound obvious? I think I did. Anyway, two weeks of being a hero in middle school, that's crazy if you think about it. But, for me and my friends? Heck, it's becoming part of our daily routine. Go to school, help if there's trouble, and we keep our identities a secret. Day after day of being a hero is not easy, but it takes a lot of courage to be one yourself. Even I find it stressing, because of the way we have to deal with fighting crime and saving people. That's just the downside. Every once in a while, I make contact with the Realm Guardians, they are very amazing people. Just like us, they share their difference with each other, that's what makes us an awesome team. I truly love being a hero, regardless of the job being stressful as hell, or whether it be staying out late fighting crime. I really don't care about the challenges we have to face, because we're facing them together. So, anyways, guys. If you see a lightning storm, boulders forming, a person speeding down the road, a fire track, a Pokémon, a mutant, two people floating, a giant kid, a ninja, green energy, teleportation portals, a shield. That means we're still here. If you ever happen to see 14 children running wild in the city, yes, super-powered kids do exist.

This is Dreamer_2005, signing off from this video. Thank you all for watching. And, remember, guys. Go beyond. Plus Ultra! See you later, guys.

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