Chapter 11: Mom? Is that you?

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The next day, everyone was racing their dragon all over Berk. Everyone was having a good time, "this once-in-a-lifetime experience has changed my entire life, Julianny.", said Auslinn, "you bet. I mean I never knew you had the power to create all of this.", chimed Evelynn. All these comments flattered Julianny, "aww, thank, guys."

It was the last lap of the race, they launched the Black Sheep into the air. It was too close to call, but the winner was... Fluttershy. "Wow, Shy. I'm really impressed.", complimented Rainbow. "You ran an awesome race there.", Ukyo. "It was all thanks to Stormfly here.", she giggled. Oh, my dad's calling, see ya later.", said Rainbow. "So, the reason why I called you six here is because... you guys are joining the Berk Council.", Kento sounded excited. "I'm sorry... what?!", Zane did not comprehend what was happening. "Yeah, we don't have to be apart anymore and you'll still be close to your friends.", the six siblings, including their friends have made a pact to get Julianny and her friends home safely.

"I appreciate the offer, Dad. But...", Rainbow Dash couldn't bare seeing her father upset, "I've made a promise, and I'm keeping it." "Oh, I see," said Kento in a sullen voice, "but just think of it, you don't have to be away from your own father." "Do you see that girl over there?", Daigo asked while pointing at Julianny, "Her world's in danger." "Ok, not my problem...", Kento was interrupted by an angry Soarin', "What the hell, Dad? It's not their fault that they came here! *sigh* Let's go, guys." "Where are you kids...?", their father asked. "Away from the likes of you.", spat Soarin'.

After a few moments flying in the air the six siblings didn't utter a sound until... "AAAAHH!!", Soarin', being the second oldest in the bunch, just filled with rage. *Low grumbling* "Don't worry about me, Hookfang, we'll be okay. I promise.", reassured Soarin'. Then a very mysterious figure emerged from the clouds. "Oh, come on, Dad! Real..." "Clipper? Who... was that?", Scootaloo asked, "no sudden moves.", said Zane. *Shrieking roar* It was a Raincutter, "ok, ok, hold on...", there were more dragons that snatched the siblings of their dragons, "Toothless!", "Hookfang!", "Shard!", "Altrus!", "Wave!", "Flash!" The dragons loss balance, and fell. "Hey! Hey, you!", shouted Rainbow, "what do you think you're doing?"

The mysterious figure's dragons dropped them off in an icy fortress. The dragons closed in on the Six. Thanks to their friend, Julianny, they knew how to tame a dragon. Watching in awe, the figure moves towards them. "Who are you?", questioned Zane. *Rattle* *Rattle* "*Gasps* Toothless! They ran to their dragons, reassuring them. *GROWLS* "For them last time, who are you?", the figure immediately tamed their dragons, "*Uneasy breathing* Uh...", Rainbow closed her eyes tight. "*Gasps* *Takes off mask* I can't believe it. After six long years.", they couldn't believe their eyes. "Should we... Do we...", Zane was broken, Soarin' was shocked. "No, you don't remember. You forgot." It was... "but a mother NEVER forgets.", they just stood there, couldn't move, even if they wanted to. The Six never expected to find their mother, or have their mother find them instead.

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