Chapter 23: It's all a TRAP - Pt. 2 (A Hero's Awakening)

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Darkness overcome the light. 13-year-old Julianny laid under the pile of rock. But, something felt strange. She felt like she was getting stronger. All of Julianny's friends were calling her name, telling her to get up, to keep on fighting. Then, memories filled her mind, 'there is a great power...', 'a power of many, a power that connects us all...', 'you have one, too, don't you...', 'this once-in-a-lifetime experience changed my entire life...', 'what I mean by "worse" is that you're a cool kid...', 'remember where you started'.

No, it wasn't the Dream Journal that gave her the power, it was... her friends. Devin punched the barrier, cracking it, "come on, guys. We can still finish this." The others nodded, and started banging on the invisible wall. *BANG* *CRACK* Julianny opened her eyes, she healed herself back to full health and strength. "It's time to fight!", "*Screams in fury*", Julianny broke out of her rocky tomb and joined the battle. "WHAT?!", screamed Twice, "*chuckles* don't worry, Tirek, my friend. It would've taken all of our League to take these pests on.", said Shigaraki. Now, they waited no longer to join the fight, Julianny, Devin, Evelynn, Bianca, Rorey, Kamyia, Ethen, Helena, Michael, Harleigh, Kaydence, Steven, AJ, and Thomas stood together like the team they were. "Thanks, guys.", chuckled Julianny, "never forget that we're in this together.", stated Kaydence. They stood in a circle-like formation, watching each other's backs, a formation that they now called "The Heroes' Stance". "GET THEM!!", yelled Shigaraki. "*Growls* We have to help.", said Rantaro, "no, this is their fight. Not ours.", scolded Shu.

"Let's kick some ass.", Steven smiled. The challenge was far from over, Julianny's team wouldn't let anything happen to their home, or the Dream Realm. Despite their numbers, the 14 friends were strong, but the tables have turned. Tirek activated All for One's Quirk to try and kill them on the spot. Yet, Tirek did not know what he was dealing with, those middle schoolers were taught how to control and use their Quirks by the 34 Guardians and the 10 students from the 1-A Class. "Ethen, need a little help here!", shouted Helena, "10-4! I already got you.", he replied. "Comet Home Run!", "yes! Nice job, Helena!" "Recipro Burst!", Kaydence used his engine legs to kick the blades away from his friends, "nicely done, K.C."

They weren't holding back now, charging at the villain, and defeating him was the only goal they had on their mind, From normal middle schoolers, to novice Quirk users, to Heroes in five days of being in the Dream Realm. "Take this!", "*evil chuckles*", Julianny's friends were knocked away. "No! You guys alright?", asked Julianny, "finish this, Juju." 'For my friends, for my FAMILY!', she promised that she would take care of the rest, and make it home. "Hey, you! You really want to know who you're really messing with? Come and get me! *Screams*", Julianny revealed her true strength with a blue aura and mystic energy.

"Let's do this!", she used Full Cowling, Hardening, and Explosion to propel herself through the blades. Her friends saw how strong she truly was and couldn't help, but smile. "Destroy this guy!", "get him, Julianny!", "FIGHT!" 'This one's for you guys.', One for All: 1,000,000,000%...", she prepared for a final attack, "Exploding... Recipro... Electric..." "JULIANNY!" "Aerial...", she leaped into air, "hah! You can't dodge in midair!", he teased, or so he thought... "SMASH!" She used all her strength into Ultimate Move, and now she finally had won.

Realms Guardians 2: The DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora