Chapter 2: Extraordinary Children, Ordinary Life

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Going to school during your pre-teens and teens can make life really bland. To be honest, being with your friends at school can always make your day regain some life. Some of Julianny's old friends from Italy are coming to MacArthur Middle, "*cries of happiness* I get to see to my old besties from school!", she literally cried, her friends that she speaks of are ALL younger than her. "So, you're the oldest in that friend group?", asked Kamyia, "I feel old now. Oof.", said Julianny. "Y'know, Juju. You always feel old when you're with us.", 'I recognize that voice.', "Evelynn!", Julianny's face was overjoyed to see her Vicenza friends, "Rorey, Ethen, K.C., Mikey, you're all here!"

"Guys, I'd like you to meet my friends from Vicenza, Italy.", she introduced her old to her new friends. "So, you guys are going to be in this school?", asked AJ, "yep. And above all that, I hope we get to become friends with you guys, too.", said Michael. This was the start of an unusual friendship, Julianny was the one to connect the two friend group together. "Hey, guys! I heard that Julianny told us that you like the same shows as us.", said Devin. "Oh, you mean 'Pokémon', 'How to Train your Dragon', and 'Ninjago'?", questioned Ethen. "Don't forget 'My Hero Academia'.", added Evelynn. Julianny smiled at her friends, talking about their favorite T.V. shows. She took out her little blue notebook that read "Dream Journal", "what you writing, Ju?", asked Devin, "oh, umm. Nothing much really..." Julianny was interrupted by the bell to go to lunch.

"Hey, Zuzu!", Evelynn called to Julianny, "wanna find a table so we can sit together?" "Sure.", replied Julianny. "Pikachu, come sit with us.", said Bianca. "*Groans* Sorry, Eevee.", she apologized, "I'll sit by you guys next time, I promise." She went and sat with her friends from Italy. Thirty minutes later, the bell rang to go to back to class. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a normal school day. Julianny and her friends went through the day with studies and instruction. You guess why adults and teachers push their students, it's not so they can be like them; that's what boring, bland, and ordinary teachers would do. Extraordinary teachers are the ones that let their students choose, and CHALLENGE them to go further.

The day went by as fast as it came. But, to these fourteen friends? It was one of the best days yet. "Your friends seem really fun, Julianny.", commented Auslinn, "you know it's not everyday you find friends like these.", responded Julianny. At themed of the day, the fourteen friends gathered together at the front of the school and chatted ten minutes before the buses arrived. Thomas saw Julianny's Dream Journal glowing, "hey, Julianny. Is your book supposed to be glowing like that?" She had a look of confusion on her face, she took out her little journal that had glowing words on the cover. 'The world too crazy for you and your friends? Open this book to find an adventure that never ends.' "Hmm, it sounds so simple, but I wonder what that's supposed to mean.", said Michael.

"Open the book to find out, Julianny.", Kamyia urged. "Umm... ok.", Julianny cracked open her Dream Journal. There was a force that opened the book all the way, a force so strong a wave of rumbling land shook beneath the school.

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