I missed you

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Okay! okay I get the point! I'm sure I've tortured you guys enough already with like 3 sad one shots in a row.

I've ran out of tissues to dab onto ppl's eyes so therefore, here's a nice and happy one shot.
C/l/n = Crush's last name


Love, a funny word indeed.

They say love is patience, love is kind, love is not envy. Love is something that drives people together, something that shouldn't be taken for granted. A simple "I love you" shouldn't be a simple statement, a declaration that should be tossed around lightly. It is better to show your love and appreciation for someone by actions. In this case, you were in the economy class cabin toilet hastily slipping on an outfit that you had spent the past hour planning out. 

You were away on a holiday to see your family where they all resided in. Therefore that meant that you had to leave your fiancé C/n for a little while back at home. Both of you had been away for each other for about five months and you began to feel melancholic about not having your partner by your side. 

A yawn escapes your lips as you slap your cheeks to keep yourself awake. 

"Today is finally the day you have been waiting for Y/n," you think to yourself  "I finally get to see him again."

You analyse your outfit in the tight and cramped mirror before concluding that you needed to brush your hair out a little bit more and make sure your teeth were perfectly clean. Your plane was about to land in a matter of ten minutes so you needed to carry out your routine fast. 

The pressure to look pretty for c/n felt heavy on your shoulders. But either way, C/n should love your for who you are.

You head back outside to return to your seat. For the remaining few mins left you just blasted your favourite song on loop until you landed.

After heat felt like hours, the plane finally landed. To be frank, you were just desperate to see C/n again. You shuffle your way out of the aircraft, thanking the flight attendants in the process.

You wheel your carry on bag, your only luggage and go thorugh the basic terminal arrival procedure of passport identification before making your way over to the arrival terminal area .(Idfk what it's called)

You straighten out your jacket and take three even breaths, trying to level out your heart beating loudly. Although C/n was just your fiancé, he still had you emotionally all over the place. That is just one funny thing love does to you. 

"Relax Y/n you will be okay" 

You count to three and with your head high, walk into the arrival terminal to find crowds of people waiting for their loved ones. 

Many were holding up signs that had names of people arriving. It didn't take you long to spot the sign, the sign that stuck out from the rest.

Everyone had signs with just their simple name on them. But C/n? He was just too extra. You stare at the sign and a cackle escapes your lips.

There written on the sign was: "HAVE YOU SEEN MY DORK Y/N?" with an arrow connecting to a hideous looking picture of yourself.

Your laughter catches the attention of the male holding up the sign as his head snaps over to your direction. The corners of his mouth tug upwards to form a grin. You take notice of the twinkle in his C/e/C eyes the moment he met yours.

His hair changed a lot. Before you left, it was a lot messier. Now his hair, c/h/c in colour was styled to look much cleaner. You briefly eye C/n up and down. Your heart just wanted to leap out of your chest at the sight of him.

You walk over to where he was standing, waving his hand rapidly. Despite the both of you being together for 7 years, you still felt your cheeks heat up when you sheepishly wave back.

"Hello!!" C/n squeals "Look at you! When did my fiancé get so pretty??"

You try to keep your composure and not totally freak out. C/n wraps his arms around your bsck, pulling you in for a hug. Your body stiffens, taken by surprise.

C/n peppers a small kiss on your neck.
"I missed you so much" He muffles, lips pressed onto the side of your neck "I haven't seen you in so long"

He pulls you out of his embrace and stares at you. You could tell he was confused as to why you didn't react from his smile faltering. Although in your mind you were whining about him pulling away. You want that hug to last forever, five long months and you never received a hug from the very person you wanted it from the most.

Your gaze darts to C/n's hair that looks so different. Then to his face. You examine his c/e/c eyes, your favourite part about his features. You liked them because it brought out his personality the most. Just by staring into them you could just see the truth. Even though he changed his hair, he was still your C/n. Your dork.

You couldn't hold in your built up emotions any longer. A fangirling scream comes out of your mouth, beaming at the sight of C/n. C/n chuckles at your reaction, his grin re- appearing. You  cup his face with both hands and in a blink of an eye, press your lips against his.

You missed him. You missed the feeling of being truly loved by someone throughout your time without him.

The kiss that the both of you were sharing was a loving one, holding so much longing. C/n's arm reaches for the nape of your neck  whilst his other one wraps around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

"I missed you so much C/n" you confess "those months were so painful without you"

Tears begin to form in your eyes. Before you could even get in another sentence, C/n takes notice of the tears. He rubs the them away with his thumbs before kissing you once more.

"Well we're back now Y/n" C/n reassures "Two Dorks unite!"

He takes the luggage next to you, wheeling it with one hand. He grabs your hand with his free one and squeezes them tight.

"When we get home we're gonna have a full on cuddling session" C/n declares "I made sure to buy all your favourite snacks"

You look up at your fiancé and smile fondly at him.

"How did I get so damn lucky?" You ask C/n "I don't deserve you"

C/n turns to face your direction.

"You met me at a strange time in my life. I couldn't thank you enough. You supported me. I want to give you what you really do deserve because you, Y/n C/l/n are my world. I love you."


Aand there you go! I'm tryna get used to writing happy ones again so please bare with me.

It's 1am and ya girl needs sleep.
Until my next update!

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