in love with the enemy

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This is a crush x reader version of my first book I published on wattpad called "in love with the enemy" . Honestly I cringe when I read that story but I hope now I made the story less cringy . I'm literally gonna copy and paste it from the story and edit it because ain't nobody got time for writing the whole thing.

C/m/n = crush's mom's name
S/n= sister's name (if u don't have one then choose a random name)
M/n = mom's name
Hi I'm y/n . I'm a (your age) year old girl, attends (name of school) in (country) and I had a really long crush on this guy at school. So you may be wondering how long? Well almost 4 years to be exact. So you might also think when did this all start well you are soon to find out

It all starts in (two grades before your grade now) . I proudly sat on my seat ready to make new friends. And then suddenly this boy walked over and sat right next to me with a smile on his face . He had c/h/c hair, c/e/c eyes and was and inch taller than me which I wasn't so Keane on because I loved being the tallest . (if your taller than him then skip that part)I didn't have a crush on him then but I kept very silent until We had to do math and I needed a pencil .

"Is it OK if I borrow a pencil?" I asked

"Sure thing" said the boy all happy "I'm c/n by the way"

"Thanks" I replied "and I'm y/n"

After school when it was finally time for me to go to bed I dreamt something I didn't think would be a big deal........I dreamt that i was at a disco with all the flashing lights and there was c/n smiling at me and we hugged. His head on my shoulder and mine on his chest . And the moment I woke up . I had crazy feelings for him . But when I went to school I can't remember specifically but all I remember was that we had an argument and the next day he moved seats .

*time skip

So this brings us to now. After 2 years of c/n ignoring me I was going into (your grade after your current grade) and I decided to give him a note if he ignores me again at the end of (grade) . I don't really think me and c/n have a chance after I was told that he flirted with b/f/n . I just hoped that we could at least be friends.

The whole Family , Me , My twin sister s/n and my mom and dad went out to go shopping in IKEA but suddenly bumped into my mom's old work friend which was apparently c/n's mom

"(Mom's name)!" Said c/n's mom happily "its so good to see you! How are you doing?"
"Hi (c/n's mom's name)!"said my mom "its good to see you too! I'm doing fine thank you. So what are you doing here?"

"Oh we came to go shopping for new curtains" said c/m/n

And suddenly c/n walked walked in

"Mam i found really cool curtains" said c/n "they are really suitable for the living room and -"

C/n stopped and looked at me and stared. S/n shot a glare at him. She knew me and was playing along with me hating him and it was only between us that she knew I liked him. And I stared back at c/n

"Um........hi" c/n said awkwardly

I raised an eye brow trying to be cool and said hi back

"This is c/n by the way" said c/m/n "he is -"

"We've met " I said trying not to be pleased

"Y/n!" Scolded my mom "that is very rude!"

I sighed while rolling my eyes trying to be cool, I replied "my apologise"

C/n was still staring at me not saying a word and i tried to hide my smile which i succeeded on doing.

"Say y/n I saw something cool you might wanna check out" said s/n reading my mind (yay for twin powers) "so lets go"

But before we could run mom mentioned something that made us lose our minds

"Just for old times sake" said mom "c/m/n do you and c/n want to come over for dinner this Friday night?"

"Oh sure that would be lovely" agreed c/m/n "Thanks m/n"

Me and s/n did our best to not have shocked faces but we failed to hide it . c/n just smirked and said "I can't wait!"

And quickly I took s/n's hand and ran over to the carpet section .

*time skip*

"What are we gonna do?" I panicked "c/n is coming to OUR house and its a formal dinner!"

"Calm down sis" said s/n "we can decorate our rooms and we can buy us some dresses"

"OK" I said trying to calm down "lets do it"

We first went shopping and I got a black dress and a sleeveless leather jacket and black high heels .While s/n got a purple dress with the same sleeveless leather jacket and matching shoes. We are twins after all so we at least have to be identical. We also put up fairy lights in my room and made it look edgy and tumblr . S/n did the same but more girly . She didn't have a crush on c/n like I did but she decorated her room just for fun.

839 words . Well a part 2 is definitely coming out today since I can just copy and paste which makes life easy I think . And plz don't give out to me for that . Its still out of my own head and I'm not copying anyone's work .

fetus signing out!


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